It's not up for debate

Or to put it in to schoolground terms,

'you said you would do it, so do it! no take basksies! no playing chicken!'

I look forward to Harris and Walz getting a few hours of free national screen time because Donnie Diaper Dunce is too 'fraid to debate

He won't show up.
Then it's going to be free press coverage for Harris. What better way for Trump to quit than with quiet quitting lol

If he doesn't show up, she is going to demolish him.

If he shows up, she is going to demolish him.
and if brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose
... Kamala can't talk - and Walz can tell the truth.

What's NOT up for debate is that Trump was already in one.
Just weeks ago - where He CRUSHED Joe Biden. ...

... But I'm surely glad to at least see the Kamala spokes-people
imply that Kamala Harris MIGHT be there on 10 September.

NOW - we'll see IF she can speak for herself and SAY she'll be there.

#### Salty
Whoop-de-do! Trump debated Biden so hard that that's all he was planning ever doing. Him dropping out threw out their whole plan.

And anyway, nobody won the first debate. Biden's performance was poor. As was Trump's, but Trump didn't say a single truth the whole two hours.
True. The first debate had no winner. You have to at least deal in reality to "win" any debate.
... Hmmmm... Yet PRESIDENT Joe was FORCED OUT of being the
Democrat CHOICE for the 2024 election about half-a-mo
AFTER the debate...

... So much for "no winner" ... ...

#### Salty
... Hmmmm... Yet PRESIDENT Joe was FORCED OUT of being the
Democrat CHOICE for the 2024 election about half-a-mo
AFTER the debate...

... So much for "no winner" ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

The first debate is water under the bridge. Trump didn't win, because he didn't say a single truth. Biden didn't win because even a saint would be exhausted having to deal with a manchild for an hour. Oh, and he literally had a cold on the first debate.

But this is about Harris debating Trump, and/or Trump pulling out of the debate with Harris with his little stubby dick inbetween his buttcrack.
... Trump wants THREE (or MORE) debates with Kamala.
Let's see IF she's able to show for the first one.

#### Salty
... Trump wants THREE (or MORE) debates with Kamala.
Let's see IF she's able to show for the first one.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Trump wants this. Trump wants that. Now he's going to spin the narrative that he's going to have a debate at Sheetz and then complain that Harris didn't show up.

Be real. You're a smart guy. Trump is going to get demolished by Harris.

... Hmmmm... ... ... HOW?

How will Kamala demolish Trump?? ... Even Dems are complaining
about her socialist policys.

#### Salty
... Hmmmm... ... ... HOW?

How will Kamala demolish Trump?? ... Even Dems are complaining
about her socialist policys.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Are they? Says who?

Policies* btw