Who is excited for the BIG BOY interview?!

texassapper's Avatar
And I don't mean Bobs big boy... I mean Bidens Big Boy interview... LOL

But according to the leftists here, there is nothing to see here... even though his own staff is laughing at him.

winn dixie's Avatar
Dark brandon fixing to go off
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Big Boy" usually means he'll be wearing pull-ups instead of taped diapers. AmmIrite?
winn dixie's Avatar
It's a mention to big boys being adults dealing with the toddler trumpf.
Trumpf the one who throws tantrums and acts like an entitled brat.
HoHound's Avatar
Does "Big Boy" mean that O'Biden won't be fed the questions beforehand? That would be truly "Big Boy."
biomed1's Avatar
To Return to the Original Topic . . .
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sad part is, that is exactly how they treat him. Who's a good Big Boy? Then they give him some Ice cream as a reward. Stupid human-pet tricks.
texassapper's Avatar
Hope everyone tunes into Bidens last press conference... He will be gone next week.
I am all for the “Big Boy” interview as long as Biden has no notes, no coaching, no ear piece, and of course, no “Go Joe”.

Well, maybe they can administer the “Go Joe”. It would be funny watching him go into hyper drive and ramble on about how inflation was at 9% when he took office, gas was $4.00 a gallon, and his experiences with Corn Pop.