
delete my account please?
I can forward your request to Admin for handling. Sorry to see you go. Good luck!

how do i delete my account?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-07-2011, 09:03 PM
Send a PM to any of the Austin mods stating why you want your account either "disabled" or "guested". (There isn't a "delete".)

Disabling takes place when there is a need to cancel an account, usually by request. In other words, the username/account is frozen and closed.

Guesting takes place when there is a need to wipe away traces of a particular username, only for privacy and security reasons.

Disabling preserves the username should the member wish to return to it in the future and reactivate their account here.

Guesting releases the username from ownership of the account holder. Not only is their account frozen and canceled, but the handle changed to a guest handle which could allow someone else (anyone) to come along at a later date and register with that username.

Can my request for a cancelled acct be forwarded to a mod as:

Disabling takes place when there is a need to cancel an account, usually by request. In other words, the username/account is frozen and closed.