So, they are still blocking the ros at 6 weeks, huh

Is it worth taking a chance in this environment to continue reading about encounters? I would have thought would have extended it? Guess not...
  • SD78
  • 04-16-2020, 12:11 AM
WTH would they?? I lost my access, if I want it back without and encounter I can pay and so can you. Besides you don't really need the ROS to get what info you need to make an informed decision most of the time.
I lost my ROS 3 weeks before I should have. Everybody's laying low anyhow.

Thought it was shut off on everyone's account, to keep the riff-raff down.
It's not worth the money, imo. Guess I am gonna give it a rest then..
  • SD78
  • 04-17-2020, 01:15 AM
It's not worth the money, imo. Guess I am gonna give it a rest then.. Originally Posted by Teddicker
I agree, not worth the money for me either. Maybe if I knew a bunch of you personally it would be but I'm not sure I want to know most on here personally. No offence intended