Guys, I’m diein’ over here! I’ve got the shakes, I’m sweating, I need a fix. Could somebody please let me know if you have any UTRs that are open or would see me? PM is fine if you’d rather.

I know we’re getting closer to reopening (I have it on good authority that Allegheny County will be green by 6/5) but it’s just hitting me hard today, and I’d love the community’s help. Thanks guys!
We talking a haircut?��
laserface's Avatar
Good luck! I've been looking for an appointment pretty much anywhere (at least, preferably with someone who isn't a total train wreck...) - independent girl, AMP, whatever - every day for the last two weeks, totally without success...
This is where it actually pays off to treat the girls like humans and get their number. Not giving away any info but just some advice.