Random acts of kindness...know of any provider that accepts checks? LoL...

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Ran across Reece Foster's post regarding random acts of kindness--she and the many others that "pay it forward" by assisting people in need makes the world a better place.

I also like to assist those in need...I give money to pan handlers when I'm at a stop. I go out of my way to take food back to homeless people. I've even given a destitute person the shirt and jacket off my back (good thing i always wear an under shirt)...all without judgement.

Now fast forward to today...on the way to see a provider at her incall, I stopped into a 7-11 for some gum...when I came out of the store, a huge dude approached me asking for some money so he can buy food because he hasn't eaten in days and was very hungry.

I caught myself "thinking"...dude you can stand to miss a few meals (this was a mean thought--as i too could stand to drop several Lbs)....Then I quickly thought about my appointment and told the dude that I didn't have any cash to give at the moment (sort of true since I needed it for my session) and got into my truck and started to back out...

While backing out I started to feel like a total piece of shit...I looked at the big dude, then pulled back in and called the dude over and offered to treat him to whatever he wanted.

Once inside the store, I pointed at the deli and suggested he get a couple of wraps and sandwiches...but he said he wasn't really in the mood for that and proceeded to walk around getting junk food (twinkies, cup cakes, etc)...the entire time I was thinkin...WTF! I would have preferred him picking up a case of Sam Adams!

Anyway, i left kind of dumbfounded and slightly disgusted (more mean thoughts)...not sure why, but I was being very judgemental and overly critical of the big dude today...so even though I "helped" someone today, my effort was filled negativity & bad energy/attitude.

Bad karma is a bitch and has already bit my ass twice today:

1. While in session, my pecker decides to fall into coma.
2. I lose my wallet along with my debit and my credit cards at some point between time 7-11 and the time I get home from the session.

Damn, I want to have another session tomorrow but only have 150 in cash and a checkbook.

I really can't get too pissed...sometime shit happens. I'm actually more upset with myself for judging someone that needed a helping hand. I really need to work on doing a better job at selfless giving without passing judgement.

In the meantime, anyone know providers that accept checks? Lol...

Take care...Peace.
