Encounter: Church play

Date: October
Name: P**h
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Rankin
Activities: -
Hair Length and Color: Brown medium to long
Age: Late 20's early 30's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: British accent, nice boobs, good body
Recommendation: Yes
Beaucoup fail. You got worked/you worked yourself.
BigBalls's Avatar
She took you for it!
nu24/7's Avatar
You must of had a desperate look on ur face..I would of been rolling on the ground laughing at her if she through an offer like that to me
Especially with the British accent, I would have told her that for $800 I get to take a shit on her face. LOL. $650? Damn.
  • nice1
  • 11-07-2018, 07:33 AM
Dang, sorry dude
That's premium grade a puss OTC kinda money damn u got played playa
Seems a bit pricey!
notanewbie's Avatar
one man's YES is another man's LOL
OP: did this occur in VIP or in one of the small rooms?
kerwil62's Avatar
You got played big time!

rare you get play itc at the church as of late...most girls wont even talk about leaving the club.

OP: did this occur in VIP or in one of the small rooms? Originally Posted by xfrankx
In the room upstairs by the VIP door but not in VIP
I think I know who your talking about and I've gotten a bj from her for 100 a couple times but 650 is pricey man even for pussy
rare you get play itc at the church as of late...most girls wont even talk about leaving the club.

Originally Posted by youngstud
It was in the club but she did say she hangs out with customers otc a lot so I'll have to do that next time