Asian girls in hotels

So back home, they're all in houses and dead fish. I was wondering if the Asian girls in hotels here are the same? Text info and general etiquette seems similar.

If anyone has any experience, please share.
  • Unico
  • 07-09-2022, 03:52 PM
The few I have seen were a bust. Never came close to photos, and lackluster attitude.
I've had dead fish with good attitude. I liked how we immediately clicked despite her lower than average looks. Would not recommend though. Last time, I paid for a half hour and was out in 10 min. Some poorly proportioned Mongolian lady in her late 40s started sucking on my tongue and it felt wrong. I took care of my business and left promptly.
DiabloMactavish's Avatar
Mixed results.

Thanks for the info. On one site, out of 30+ ads, it always came back to the same two hotels. Those girls sure do market like an used car salesman.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an encounter, moved from AMP