Funny Stuff & Jokes

Lmao Ms. PacMan Is The Worlds Greatest Hoe!
There was this guy who was tired and needed a place to sleep. he found a no name motel and went inside.
The guy behind the desk says sure I have a room for you just don't stick your dick in the 3 holes.
The guy goes to his room and tries to sleep, but the thought of what the man told him kept him up.
so he goes to the first hole, sticks it in and says oh...
goes to the second hole and says ahh.
goes to the third hole and drops dead on the floor...

next day same no name motel different guy comes in. guy behind desk says same thing..
guy goes upstairs...
first hole... oh
second hole... ahh
third hole... dead

next day.. same thing
guy goes upstairs...
first hole... oh
second hole... ahh
guy goes back downstairs and ask the man behind the desk what's in the 3 holes?
guy behind desk says...
hole 1.. my wife
hole 2... my daughter
hole 3... an electrical box.

Why was the guitar teacher arrested??
Why was the guitar teacher arrested?? Originally Posted by Legacy69
For fingering a minor.. Lol
There was this guy who was tired and needed a place to sleep. he found a no name motel and went inside.
The guy behind the desk says sure I have a room for you just don't stick your dick in the 3 holes.
The guy goes to his room and tries to sleep, but the thought of what the man told him kept him up.
so he goes to the first hole, sticks it in and says oh...
goes to the second hole and says ahh.
goes to the third hole and drops dead on the floor...

next day same no name motel different guy comes in. guy behind desk says same thing..
guy goes upstairs...
first hole... oh
second hole... ahh
third hole... dead

next day.. same thing
guy goes upstairs...
first hole... oh
second hole... ahh
guy goes back downstairs and ask the man behind the desk what's in the 3 holes?
guy behind desk says...
hole 1.. my wife
hole 2... my daughter
hole 3... an electrical box.

lmao Originally Posted by Angel14609
whats the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?
whats the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer? Originally Posted by Legacy69
The hooker can wash her crack and resell it.
wnykittenkisser's Avatar
A guy with no arms and no legs is at the front door to a cathouse. The madame answers the door laughing and says what can you do. He replies I rang the doorbell didn't I.
  • tw758
  • 06-23-2015, 08:57 AM
A gay guy and a straight guy are standing at the pearl gates waiting to get into heaven who gets in first??
  • tw758
  • 06-23-2015, 08:58 AM
The gay guy he already has his shit packed

If I offended anyone I apologize it was the first joke that came to mind
What do a blonde and a basketball have in common?
You can dribble them both.
wnykittenkisser's Avatar
How many skindivers does it take to circumsize a whale?
wnykittenkisser's Avatar
Fourskindivers. Originally Posted by wnykittenkisser