What the HELL has happened to this board?

I joined ASPD way back in the day as an innocent newbie who had no clue about this hobby. Thanks to a combination of first ASPD, and then Eccie, I have learned so much information, and I really appreciate (both) boards for teaching me so much about the hobby.

That being said, if I was a newbie today and joined this board, it would scare the hell out of me. Finding good, informative information now on here is like looking for diamonds in a shit-processing plant. I ignored this place for a couple of years because it went so far downhill. But then I began thinking about that decision - and decided that I was wrong to leave due to the BS.

The Admins and Mods on here can't turn this board around on their own. No matter now good (or bad, depending on your perspective) of a job they do, they really are herding cats. The only way this board is going to become an INFORMATION exchange again is if the members (or at least a majority of the members) step up to the plate and start a lot more self-policing.

How do we do this, you ask? Ha. It's not easy, but its not rocket science, either. These are some of my suggestions:

1) Ignore the trolls. Trolls abound here, looking for their next victim (and when they can't find fresh meat, they devour each other). When they post, as difficult as it may be, ignore them. They are here for attention. If they don't get it, they will leave.

2) When you read a thread and have some REAL information to share - do so. Anyone who survives in our little hobby world for very long has to have some thick skin, so don't be afraid to post information. If you get flamed for it, oh well. We ALL have stupid ideas at times (and this post might be one of mine - remains to be seen - but at least I'm TRYING, dammit).

3) Every one of us knows how to bring a thread back on topic if it gets derailed. Just Do It.

4) (FYI, I'm not talking about the occasional interjection of a humorous anecdote into a thread - we all like a good laugh from time to time.)

I we as members don't take this board back, we're going to lose it. I for one don't want to see it get flushed down the drain.

Ask yourself this - How many new members show up here in a month? How many of those members are still around a year later? If we don't retain more members, eventually all that will be left around here are a bunch of old farts sitting in their wheelchairs and watching the trolls beat on each other.

If you want to share your own insightful comments in this thread, please do so. If you want to spew hatred, bigotry, or unfounded rumors, please go do it in one of the other hundreds of threads on here that are filled with more of the same shit.

In other words, if you are a Troll-tard, please feed somewhere else.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Great post ! This should be a Sticky !
needingmilking's Avatar
I am not sure, but i think aspd was minuscule compared to eccie.

I think eccie is victim of its own success. Too many lurkers and too many evil weirdos so we actually notice them.

I think there were 2 or 4 admins only. Now we dont have enough, and how many are there? 10?

And it is the same everywhere there are public forums. Check reddit or 4chan.

It is more a reflection of who we are as a society than who we are as a hooker board.

Unless you have an iron hand on the rules, you cant fix it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What milking said...

When ASPD was in its heyday-- we were still at a point where not everyone had a computer and internet.. and smartphones weren't yet a big "thing". These days, almost everyone has some form of internet access whether it be via phone or computer...

It isn't just here-- it is everywhere. If there is an internet forum, there are trolls. It just seems worse here because the rules are not hard core and are fairly loosely enforced.
SweetCougar's Avatar
Seems if the suggestions are followed, then yes it could be fixed. There is so darn much negativity, (second response here as an example) and so much cliquishness that it is hard for those of us that don't use the board much to get much value from it. I know from experience that most of my posts bring attacks. Therefore I don't utilize the board as much and I hesitate to refer new ladies here.

We are all here for the same reason, and should all just be kinder to each other, be positive and move on past a post if you are inclined to comment some negative stuff.

Have a blessed day and be safe.
Good points, y'all. And yes, it is a reflection of our society.

My point here is that the legitimate members CAN take the board back from the Troll-Tards by understanding what they are craving and NOT giving it to them. This board exists to make the Hobby better, safer, and more fun for everyone. The Troll-Tards are endangering it.

Sure, providers are still going to make a living if Eccie becomes totally useless. Clients are still going to find providers if Eccie becomes totally useless. But if we can wrest control back from the 'Tards, it will be a LOT easier on all of us (and a lot more fun, too). I'm not saying it's easy, but hell, it is definitely worth giving it a try, isn't it?
hotindallas - Very nice and valuable points !!
needingmilking's Avatar
I dont know, i think we need a Stalin now, not Gandhi.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-23-2017, 11:25 AM
Not sure what you guys are complaining about, when I don't want to get burned, I stay out of the kitchen, you guys already know what coed is about and nothing is going to change, stuff is put out there, everyone has their different opinion, that's when disagreements and insults begin

There's hundreds of providers and thousands of clients that come to this site, post their ads, handle their business and do great! seems like you old timers have a problem with adjusting to the current times. Maybe try making a private section where you can filter people to your comfort level
There neeeds to be a much better system in place to regulate threads. I know mods can't do it all but maybe a downvoting system where shitty post get removed.

I've found myself writing in a thread or sometimes getting ready to start one but then delete it knowing the stupidity that my responses or input may trigger.

I think there are way too many "hey look at me" threads being started and the always awesome "continue to beat the dead horse" threads over topics that have been covered numerous times. And then those thread starters who seem to start one every day or so. I can predict how most threads will end up sometimes just by reading who started it or by the topic at hand. Some people on here need to get over their egos and just use the site to hobby and have fun.
KittyLamour's Avatar
There neeeds to be a much better system in place to regulate threads. I know mods can't do it all but maybe a downvoting system where shitty post get removed.

I've found myself writing in a thread or sometimes getting ready to start one but then delete it knowing the stupidity that my responses or input may trigger.

I think there are way too many "hey look at me" threads being started and the always awesome "continue to beat the dead horse" threads over topics that have been covered numerous times. And then those thread starters who seem to start one every day or so. I can predict how most threads will end up sometimes just by reading who started it or by the topic at hand. Some people on here need to get over their egos and just use the site to hobby and have fun. Originally Posted by txboi817
Very well said. That would be awesome to find a way for shitty posts to be removed. It's not hard to tell who is being mean just for meanness sake.
needingmilking's Avatar
They have that in reddit, and still have plenty of trolls.

Our natural state is to have some trolls. It us unavoidable in any system.

If we want to modufy this system, then we need to force a change, and the only tool is strict control of the rules.

Otherwise, lets accept what we are and move on.
I somewhat agree. However, we can do more to help:

1) I have no idea how often members use the RTM button, but if you see a post that's out of line (i.e. that is a violation of the rules), do you RTM that post? Even if it is from someone you like? The Mods can't police every post in every thread all on their own. They have to have our help. If the Troll-Tards have completely hijacked a thread (which happens WAY too much here, do you RTM it? The Mods here really are herding cats. Sometimes some very pissed off cats, at that.

2) There are several well-respected members on this board who most people listen to. If one of them (and they have to pretty much know who they are) comes into a thread and politely asks a LEGITIMATE member to back off or stand down, that legitimate member is probably going to listen. (Yes, I know - the Troll-Tards will ignore them - but that's one way we can tell who's a Troll-Tard, and then the rest of us can ignore said Troll-Tard).

I really don't know if any of this would help (Dammit, Jim, I'm a hobbyist, not a Doctor! ). I also happen to agree that the powers that be should enforce the rules more strictly, especially with regard to thread hijacking.

I DO know, however, that I'm really tired of seeing what starts as a nice, informative/interesting thread rapidly degenerate into a Troll-Tard Frenzy. It's like watching a school of sharks feed.

(Okay, I do have to admit - sometimes reading those threads IS more fun than a six-pack of beer and a bug zapper .)

I'd rather fight for this place than just say without at least making an attempt. What say y'all?
needingmilking's Avatar
I agree with #1, impossible to do #2

The way to fight is with the RT button.

Encourage its use and use it...
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 10-23-2017, 04:17 PM
The Admins and Mods on here can't turn this board around on their own. Originally Posted by hotindallas
It would help if they didn't appear to be totally absent. I know that an impartial system of numbered guidelines prevents heavy handed abuse, but when there's an obvious troll that is destroying these forums, they should take action. That troll has absolutely done enough to justify removing him from this site. I'm not privy to their methods, but it seems to me that others are removed for far, far less than this most recent problem.