Gold Drops Most In 30 Years (Last Week 0Hedge)

SEE3772's Avatar
Previously, levered hedge funds were forced to sell gold on stock margin calls. How long until today's gold plunge, the largest 2-day drop in the past 30 years, forces funds to start selling stocks to meet margin clerks vocal demands some time around 2pm today?

John Bougearel of Structural Logic chimes in:

Today is the largest one day decline from the previous day's close @ -9.6%. Volume is already north of 530,000 - another record with another 6 hours of electronic trade to go. There have been three rounds of liquidations. The first round was the Asian liquidation that ended at 9 am. The second round was the European liquidation that ended at 5 am. They are spaced 8 hours apart. At this rate, the US liquidation phase won't be complete until the London closing at 1230 pm CST, at least this is what that behavioral model suggests. You are witnessing an historical selling climax folks.

and the RSI shows gold to be the most oversold in 31 years...

as Gold pushes down to the 50% retracement of the 2008-2012 swing low-to-high...

and the S&P in Gold terms broke 2009 resistance (and perhaps explains more of the technical surge)...

Charts: Bloomberg

From ZeroHedge:

04/10/2013 - Goldman Buying Gold, Selling Treasurys To Muppets Whom It Advises To Do Opposite

04/09/2013 - Short Squeeze? Silver Surges Most In 7 Months

04/08/2013 - 80% Chance Of 40% Silver Short Squeeze

Continuous Commodity Index

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) & The Commitments of Traders (COT) Reports
Chica Chaser's Avatar
How bad are you getting pinched See?
How bad are you getting pinched See? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I had the same thought in this thread:

I think SEE3772 took a shave.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ooops, yeah I see.
I love the quote in the Reuters article you quoted
Randolf and Mortimer must be hollering “Sell”
Ooops, yeah I see.
I love the quote in the Reuters article you quoted
LOL Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I think Randolph and Mortimer lost their shirts in frozen orange juice concentrate. But I take your point.
SEE3772's Avatar
This was not unexpected like the Reuters article claims.
The paper markets were all short, for quit awhile. For those who have been buying and holding since the 80's/2000's/2011ish... did not take any loss. For those who just don't read Reuters articles that never explain the fundamental/technical/speculative/manipulative... profited.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Naturally, all the professionals that lost their ass and couldn't meet margin calls will blame the amateurs.
After todays events in Boston, it might be going back up.