Definition of "Communism"

I sure found a lot of definitions for communism in several online dictionaries, but they make it sound so evil. I like Karl Marx's defintion as follows:

"a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

That's the type of government I think we need. NOt where multi-national corporations are running the country, but when we have a country run by the each and every citizen, no matter where you come from!

I could not believe how Hitler was described as a communist, when that style of government was definitely "totalitarian", which meant the government ruled the people in an extreme manner. There is no comparison to Karl Marx's theory.

Think for yourself people. Anyone, especially Fox News and Murdoch can make you think that a society run by its own people, cannot possibly survive. I tend to disagree.
government definitely needs us more than we need it
It's a "Bittersweet Symphony"
No matter how the definition sounds. You don't want to live under it.

No matter how the definition sounds. You don't want to live under it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
One could argue, quite convincingly, that it's never been truly implemented.
One could argue, quite convincingly, that it's never been truly implemented. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Have to agree. We do not have a government run "of the people, by the people, and FOR the people."

Unless we, as Americans, fess up and realize the true story, we will continue to let the few at the top rule us.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Problem is, you can't introduce communism by force. You will always end up with an "Animal Farm" type hierarchy. For communism to work, humans have to be good. We have not reached the stage in our evolution as yet. Any attempt at communism in our current state will only lead to tyranny. Utopian communism is a beautiful and reachable goal, but it must be preceded by a population choosing good over greed. That's why I'm a Libertarian. It promotes the idea that you make your own choices and reap the rewards of those choices, or suffer the consequences thereof. I also think that as we grow, our compassion will increase. Without forced government entitlements, people who have will band together to assist those who have not.

The biggest problem we are facing in our development now is technology. Our technology is advancing far faster than our wisdom or maturity. I think we are facing a technocratic tyranny over the next several centuries until we get back on track. That's why we have to select honest people to lead us. Liars have already proven they lack the character necessary to handle this technological revolution maturely and wisely. Integrity is the most important issue. It's the ONLY issue.

Forced communism is just bureaucratic totalitarianism.
One could argue, quite convincingly, that it's never been truly implemented. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well I am not in the mood to argue with you on that point, cause it would go no where fast. But we don't live in anything close to communism so how about we just leave well enough alone. Cause if we tried to implement communism and didn't like it, there maybe no turning back. The risk is way to high for any reward.

normalguy21's Avatar
You mean this Guy ??
Well I am not in the mood to argue with you on that point, cause it would go no where fast. But we don't live in anything close to communism so how about we just leave well enough alone. Cause if we tried to implement communism and didn't like it, there maybe no turning back. The risk is way to high for any reward.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That is because you fear the risk. Change always involves risk and it takes courageous humans to implement change for the good of humanity. Not for self interest, such as the corporate powers that be will have you believe. We cannot grow as a society without change. I believe there could be a middle ground, as long as the whole of society, or the people, rule. Otherwise, we will continue to be slaves to a corporate fascism government, or in other words, a military industrial complex, such as Hitler wanted. I can clearly see how the so called governing people at the top are taking advantage of society as a whole. And, why would they not? Why (and how) should multi-national corporations reap in over-the-top profits at the expense of Americans working twice as hard and making less money? That's because they do not care or have feelings about Americans who work for them. Just ask the "Koch Brothers".
That is because you fear the risk. Change always involves risk and it takes courageous humans to implement change for the good of humanity. Not for self interest, such as the corporate powers that be will have you believe. We cannot grow as a society without change. I believe there could be a middle ground, as long as the whole of society, or the people, rule. Otherwise, we will continue to be slaves to a corporate fascism government, or in other words, a military industrial complex, such as Hitler wanted. I can clearly see how the so called governing people at the top are taking advantage of society as a whole. And, why would they not? Why (and how) should multi-national corporations reap in over-the-top profits at the expense of Americans working twice as hard and making less money? That's because they do not care or have feelings about Americans who work for them. Just ask the "Koch Brothers". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
You're dreaming. The people don't rule under communism. Cuba under Castro was said to be fully communist. Do you think the people ruled there? If you're trying to conjure up an ideal scenario under Communism I suspect you'll end up disappointing yourself. America's form of Government may have it's flaws but you are free to own property. In a communistic form of Government you are not the owner of your property. Communism is essentially People by the Government, Of the Government, for the Government. Communism is also typically a classless society. What you get is a ruling class and a peasant class, without much prospect of moving up. Not like here in America where a poor man can achieve wealth, or at least better himself without anyone stopping him. It's not that I am afraid of change as long as I have some degree of control over that change. For politicians to float an idea of change in the form of communism to better society in a manner that puts everyone on the same economic scale. No thanks that's not the change I would sign up for. That leads to greater oppression than we have now.

normalguy21's Avatar
Would you take a job say doing home remodeling ? The job you bid on only pays 1.6 million but the cost of materials is 500 million . But you fight for the job anyway .Try borrowing the rest of the money to get the amount needed .explaining to everyone around you that you know this is the right move your the only one who can do this job . But you your self dont even know how your going to do the job . You dont even have a blue print . Are a permit .You have a job crew also who look to you to lead by example .Also you have to pay them too . How could this possibly turn out good ? Let alone not ruin every thing and everyone who had something to do with it ?

I just described how i see the last election .

1.6 million for a salary for 4 years that you spent 500 million to get . Saying you can fix the budget .

Sounds like simple math and balancing a check book dont apply here .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where has true communism ever been practiced? Communism as "defined" by Marx, that is.

It's an ideology that the people bought into, quickly corrupted by despots. Kinda like ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would you take a job say doing home remodeling ? The job you bid on only pays 1.6 million but the cost of materials is 500 million . But you fight for the job anyway .Try borrowing the rest of the money to get the amount needed .explaining to everyone around you that you know this is the right move your the only one who can do this job . But you your self dont even know how your going to do the job . You dont even have a blue print . Are a permit .You have a job crew also who look to you to lead by example .Also you have to pay them too . How could this possibly turn out good ? Let alone not ruin every thing and everyone who had something to do with it ?

I just described how i see the last election .

1.6 million for a salary for 4 years that you spent 500 million to get . Saying you can fix the budget .

Sounds like simple math and balancing a check book dont apply here . Originally Posted by slickahhughs
It looks like you view the presidency as being about the POTUs's salary.

And I think you'll find he spent a lot more than 500 million to get it. Pale in comparison to what was spent to defeat him.

This has never been about simple math.
Where has true communism ever been practiced? Communism as "defined" by Marx, that is.

It's an ideology that the people bought into, quickly corrupted by despots. Kinda like ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Countries such as Cuba, North Korea, China, North Vietnam are closes to what is considered "True Communism" Which one of those countries would you like America to resemble?
