Question for the ladies only: Watching the time.

Cravinhead69's Avatar
I only want answers/opinions from the ladies:

Ladies: What is you opinion on time watching?
Is it up to the client or you to make sure we don't go over time?
I try to be aware of the time and not go over. I assume it's the ladies responsiblity.
If we are having fun and loose track of time and go over by 15 to 30 minutes, do you expect to be compensated for the extra time?
I know some are not clock watchers and that is great.
Thanks for your opinions.
If you don't want to answer publically, you can PM me.
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar

I definitely am not a clock watcher myself but with certain
clients sometimes I am forced to be . Some of my greatest
lovers I never watch the time because too much fun is being
shared between us. Them being the gentleman that they are
will ‘tip’ me. At the same time I also have clients that will book a 30 min.
appointment with me knowing they will try to stay the hour or more .
I feel as though that is rude & not respectful of the providers time
and donation asked . Reasons why I prefer the hour or more appointments.
For the most part it eliminates all of this & leaves room for true
companionship, relaxation, getting acquainted with one another ,
and of course a Great romp 😋
Mature Companion's Avatar
There's a clock??? Oh yeah, for sessions there's one.

I enjoy dates and clocks play no part of my dates!!
Cravin I am going to take some liberty here as I have thought through this question. But I think the two single word answer here is ATTITUDE and RESPECT. If you make a sincere effort not to go over on your visit if she isn't a "clock watcher" you should be fine.

You attitude will go a long way in you getting a FEW extra minutes to get the job done. If you want a 2nd shot POLITELY ask do we have time for round 2, unless it's obvious that you do. But if you pay for an hour and then think you are entitled to 90 minutes or 2 hours because you are having a hard time getting off, don't expect her to offer anything for free.

RESPECT, that her time is valuable, respect that she may have another gentleman coming later and needs to get some errands ran, or a workout in, respect that if you are there late at night she may have a 6am appointment. A little kindness, honest communication, and being considerate of her may be enough incentive for a lady to let you stay and play a FEW extra minutes. Ladies feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this.
Duplicate sorry gang.