Happy Mother's Day

Here's good wishes to all the mother's here in eccie-land for a happy Mother's Day! I hope you feel valued and appreciated in your family, hell, at least once this year!

Being a mother is the most important job in the world. It' so important, it's even more important than providing sexual opportunities to men who are, ahem, "past their prime".

So congratulations and thank you for doing the two most important jobs in the world!
Elgato69's Avatar
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Thank you, Meldrick & the rest of you well wishers yet to come. Both are very rewarding endeavors therefore happily worthwhile.

I have tickets to the final showing of STOMP tonight & invited my mom to join me and the kiddos. That should be a fun time!

You mom's out there better do something for yourselves today, ok?

to all the moms on the austin board who are scattered throughout the country to be with loved ones i wish you a happy mothers day and a safe return home.

Thank you and Happy Mother's Day to everyones as well!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day, to all the wonderful mom's.
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Happy Mother's Day To All Of You Wonderful Mothers Out There!
Tatonka's Avatar
To all the mom's out there on eccieland I salute you.

God bless each of you
Happy Mother's Day!!!
gman44's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-09-2010, 06:23 PM