To Providers: how can some of you be out of business due to financial difficulties?


I don't understand how some of the good/ decent providers can be out of the business due to financial difficulties. I know one who is completely broke (I really like her) but she can't get more business because her cell phone line was cut off due to her not having money to pay the bill. The ironic thing is I offered to help pay her cell phone bill but she does not know it yet because I emailed her (and her internet access was cut off too).

Assuming a provider is fairly good in managing her money (not over spend), is the business really that tough?

For some of you very popular providers, in your slow days, how many customers do you get in a day?

I have to think that even if a provider only gets 2 1-hour appt a day, that's still about $400 / day, should be enough to stay afloat. Or am I talking non sense because I'm a guy who does not understand?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
1) Talk about hobbynomics on a SHMB.

2) Inquire about how escorts manage their money on a SHMB.

Enjoy the show....

Uh-oh. Someone quick! Push the van out of the way!!

I think it is the idea that whatever we spend today can be made again tomorrow. Any job that makes money everyday like waitressing makes it harder to put money aside to pay bills. I guess, I dunno. My shit is paid.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Don't zero in on providers only...the screwed up economy has hit everyone...

Wanna start a thread on broke engineers? or lawyers? or real estate salesmen? or just about any occupation you can think of?

I fly under the radar primarily due to economics and location, and there aren't probably half a dozen or so providers on this board who would recognize me if I was behind them in line at Walmart, but I love and appreciate them all.

My only advice to the ladies would be try to survive these troubled times...I want to be behind you in line at Walmart, not having you ring me up!!!
even if a provider only gets 2 1-hour appt a day, that's still about $400 / day, should be enough to stay afloat. Originally Posted by dppgblover

I really think we should not judge these Girls since we have never had to walk in their shoes. Also, with a slow economy, a Provider may or may not be getting 2 appointments in a week, let alone in a day. We don't know how much business a Provider actually sees in a day or a week. Only she does.

I personally don't think these kind of threads should be started. Just my opinion.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar

I personally don't think these kind of threads should be started. Just my opinion.
Originally Posted by omaha2dallas

But they do and it it takes a mod to close it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I like these threads.

They're better than the ones about which side of the plate do you put your meat or vegetables or what color underwear do you wear on Mondays or the like.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I like these threads.

They're better than the ones about which side of the plate do you put your meat or vegetables or what color underwear do you wear on Mondays or the like. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Can we have one about toilet seats? In my house both lids go down no matter who uses it, for two reasons:

1) No way either male or female can be offended. Males have two lids to lift up when they pee; females have only one. Never heard a male complain about double work.

2) Keeps the dogs from drinking out of the bowl.
1) Talk about hobbynomics on a SHMB.

2) Inquire about how escorts manage their money on a SHMB.

Originally Posted by cpi3000
Oh Boy! It's gonna be another one of those blockbusters where guys forget about days worth of menstrual cycles, renting hotel rooms every working day, paying for day care, buying a cell phone with a 10,000 minute a month plan, eating out or ordering in while at the incall, make-up, Victoria's Secret frilly things, photos, web sites, screening services, providing "supplies" like condoms, toiletries, tipping for extra towels, and then there is that extravagant disposable income factor they all just piss away.

I wanna be a homebuilder. Geesh, I can't believe those MAROONS charge $350K for a foundation, some bricks, maybe a little limestone, a few windows and doors, some shingles, sheetrock and a little flooring and paint. Oh yeah, there is some plumbing and electrical expense but hey $350K?

I think these regularly repeated threads all get a few responses from guys who think a girl's expenses are zilch. The Dallas Market at this point has been tough on a LOT of providers.

Last time I checked, Dallas had about 475 girls on P411 alone and that's not counting BP and other sites like this one. Not many of the daily ad sites are free either. If ALL those other sites and P411 had girls seeing 2 clients a day, that would be over a half a million to a million a day in money just in Dallas and then you would have to add Fort Worth, Arlington and so on.

I'll stick to figuring out my own hobby budget. Figuring out how much the girls make without real life empirical data is where I came into this movie the first time I saw it and the same series has been running several times a year for the almost 10 years I've been here or at the now dark board.

Anybody want the rest of my popcorn?
Can we have one about toilet seats? In my house both lids go down no matter who uses it, for two reasons:

1) No way either male or female can be offended. Males have two lids to lift up when they pee; females have only one. Never heard a male complain about double work.

2) Keeps the dogs from drinking out of the bowl. Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
I'm trying to patent a prodcut of mine "toilet Buddy"

Its a sort of net that sits in the bowl. to catch things from falling into the bowl, like cell phones and wallets and stuff.

Formally "Toilet handy".
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I'm trying to patent a prodcut of mine "toilet Buddy"

Its a sort of net that sits in the bowl. to catch things from falling into the bowl, like cell phones and wallets and stuff.

Formally "Toilet handy". Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
If you get that going PM me for a chance to buy some shares and get in on the ground floor!!!
Thank you Little Stevie-you summed that up well!
more money more problems ;(

<3 Brooke CumsAlot

TrailBlazer's Avatar
I have to agree with the sexy Ms. Brooke on this one, some providers manage their money better than others. Now granted, the top 10 in my yet "to do" list are well rated and well reviewed, but it is almost impossible to get an appointment and they claim business is good. But I'm sure there are still many struggling to pay the bills. It is tough to understand how they make 5 to 20 times more per hour than their clients and still struggle, but I always tell myself that many are single mothers and an incall and furnishings takes a good chunk of their income.

P.S. I'm enjoying my time under Brooke.
TheWanderer's Avatar
This theme obviously never dies, just like detective shows on TV. I don't think even Hollywood has ever portrayed it as a way for girls to become rich. The only ones I ever heard about becoming rich were the working girls who traveled to Hawaii at the end of WWII and then invested their earnings into real estate. (That's a great story by the way).
Otherwise, it's always been:
1 - A way to survive
2 - A way to make extra money
3 - A way to satisfy a nyphomaniac lifestyle
4 - Any combination of the above 3

When economic times get tough, it hits hardest for those who only fit into category #1 above.