An FYI to separate scams from potential dates

I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner, but I have recently discovered if you send a voice clip ( hold the little microphone next to where you enter text down and speak) the scam artists and computer programs don't recognize it. A serious provider will send a voice clip back or at least respond to what you said. Hope this is helpful to you guys out there looking like I am.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner, but I have recently discovered if you send a voice clip ( hold the little microphone next to where you enter text down and speak) the scam artists and computer programs don't recognize it. A serious provider will send a voice clip back or at least respond to what you said. Hope this is helpful to you guys out there looking like I am. Originally Posted by mykal2323
Thanks, I never knew that was there.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner, but I have recently discovered if you send a voice clip ( hold the little microphone next to where you enter text down and speak) the scam artists and computer programs don't recognize it. A serious provider will send a voice clip back or at least respond to what you said. Hope this is helpful to you guys out there looking like I am. Originally Posted by mykal2323
Bravo ! That's thinking. Thanks.
But, if you use a voice recording, you’ve provided to “whomever” one more piece of personal information... your voice. Although it’s an interesting tidbit of available information, seems like there are better ways for serious hobbyists to ascertain who the “serious providers” are...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I agree with Wiz.
cmore197474's Avatar
I wonder if this could cause you to miss a real date because the girl doesn’t want to play a voice clip (privacy) or isn’t familiar enough with them to use them
But, if you use a voice recording, you’ve provided to “whomever” one more piece of personal information... your voice. Although it’s an interesting tidbit of available information, seems like there are better ways for serious hobbyists to ascertain who the “serious providers” are... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
While I don't disagree with you, I also don't believe you are thinking far enough outside the box. If certain people wanted cease your liberty 🗽, they already have enough after you have made contact. I've watched enough Chris Hanson, Geraldo, and Fox's finest in uniform reality shows to have an understanding of how they would go about preventing you from freedom for pursuing a gift from nature. Hell even posting on this forum puts your information in potential danger. Just saying.

All that being said... I was more referring to us being able to screen out potential new ladies that wanted to date from the scam bots. I have noticed the scam bots have the same opening texts.
" where you located ", " I don't wanna wasted each other's time, what city are you in" among a few others phishing for your location. Some of the ad's can be convincing enough to chase after wondering what's on the other end.