Memorial Day, thinking of those the served in Military

I always think of those that served our country in the military today. I also think about the what started the tradition of decorating graves of soldiers, after the Civil War.

I also think of those that are currently serving our country.

Not sure if any providers or clients on the board have served in the military, but if you have, thanks for your service.
I second what you said FS.

I have lots of family who have served our country or are currently serving. I have an ancestor (Native American) who was a tracker in the civil war. I say BRAVO to them and many many thanks.

I just got home from helping cook breakfast for some vets. I do it every year and nothing brings me more joy. I usually stay longer with them so I can hear the stories they tell, but my tummy wasn't feeling so hot.
I played trumpet in High School, and played taps for several military funerals, and a couple Memorial Day services.
semper fi
kendra kayy's Avatar
+1 FarmStud... I have many friends currently serving our country and my late grandfather served in the Korean War. I'm thankful for all those who are apart of our military! Happy Memorial Day everyone.
I was in for 4 years and did 13 months in Iraq. Was the best and worse time of my life and has changed me forever. After serving you realize all those crackpot conspiracy theories are mostly true. It's one thing to think that your government lies to you, it's much worse when you know they do. I kind of wish I would have stayed in now and led a revolt to get us out of these illegal wars. It's hard to convince soldiers that what they are doing is actually wrong an illegal. War is a hell of a rush. It overtook me for a while when I was doing convoys and knocking Iraqis off the road just because they were in our way. Talk to Nam vets too and they'll tell you the guilt they feel for the way they behaved. When you're told you have free reign to do whatever, that's exactly what most people do. Pretty sad actually.

I think the hard part now is we have enemies of the United States, but it is not one country. So you can't just declare war on idiotville, win, and then move forward. Not sure what the real answer is, as not fighting is not really a good option either.
Supersinister, thanks for your service. VN was a different time / place, but i understandf the worldview. I do nothing but sue the US for vets - primarily PTSD / Agent Orange / Gulf War Syndrome et al, so I get some satisfaction from both my service and my profession. But days like today make me remember how screwed up our country is while still being the greatest. Once again, thanks for your service. I can relate. semp fi.

Farmstud60 we've always had enemies because of what we allow our government or American Companies to do in other parts of the world. We could stop fighting, admit our wrongs and ask for forgiveness but that'll never happen. It's like that movie "Collateral Damage". People attack us not because they want our way of life or our jealous of us. It's because we've screwed them over and usually in a big way. Native American, Vietnamese and most Middle Easterners have every right to hate our guts and wish us harm for what we've done to them. We've destroyed their countries and way of life just for profit. And even if the average person doesn't think they are responsible because it wasn't them that gave an order or did anything, we all are because we elect the people who do or support the companies.
Rider68's Avatar
Thanks FS, 25yrs in and still going strong! Well going as strong as a guy 25 years in the service can go lol!
Rider68's Avatar
I second what you said FS.

I have lots of family who have served our country or are currently serving. I have an ancestor (Native American) who was a tracker in the civil war. I say BRAVO to them and many many thanks.

I just got home from helping cook breakfast for some vets. I do it every year and nothing brings me more joy. I usually stay longer with them so I can hear the stories they tell, but my tummy wasn't feeling so hot. Originally Posted by MsElena

Ms Elena continues to amaze me.