ok so i finally broke down and read

christylynn's Avatar
50 shades of grey i found it at target for 12 dollars and thought well might as well see what all the stepford wives are going on about and i dont know if anyone else has this opinion but i find it drastically not similar to what the real lifestyle is about its a miss yea ive seen and heard of contracts before and everything else but it feels like the watered down version of what really happens on a day to day with people in the lifestyle does any one else think this or has anyone else read this
speeedracer's Avatar
was all that just one sentence?
christylynn's Avatar
no im just terrible at punctuation lol its called rambling thoughts.
I have to say that it hasn't even crossed my mind to read it. Knowing that everyone has different kinks, everything is classified by the person making decision, it's all relative. Some things are kinky to some, vanilla to others. So I can totally see your point in how you feel it is watered down. Kudos for taking the time to see what it was about though!
christylynn's Avatar
im very very slow on trends i wasnt gonna pay 26 dollars for a book. i was waiting til it was on clearance. it probably wasnt worth the 12 dollars but it was well written. it was like bdsm lite to me.
I have no experience with the "real lifestyle", but it was obvious to me when I read it that this was watered down. Remember, this is a formulaic romance novel(s) with BDSM as a backdrop, not a story about BDSM. Fundamentally, I don't think the author would know how to write a heroine that is truly submissive yet that her target audience would still find sympathetic. And I respectfully disagree with your assessment that it was well-written; but the sex scenes weren't bad.
christylynn's Avatar
well it seemed put together is what i meant no ramblings and no on and on and on descriptions which was nice to me
The Slut's Avatar
In my humble opinion the hype for the books exceeds their content.

That said with the right frame of mind , able to dream beyond what was written, reading them was ok.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I can recommend reading The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice. These 3 books I have read several times and always take away something new from reading them. The first read was such hot read I had to stop many times to jack off as I was so worked up....On my second read I read them more from the Dom point of view and took even more away from the books, then I read them later from a more sub point of view.........Ann Rice knows her stuff............and how to make a girls pussy all nice and wet..........Slurp~~
christylynn's Avatar
that all sounds really good ill have to find it
The Slut's Avatar
They are quite good.
CountryGentleman35's Avatar
Yes the claiming of beauty is a good read.
christylynn's Avatar
i just was like oooo 50 shades of grey on clearance maybe i should read it i guess i coulda waited a lil longer
The Sleeping Beauty series by Anne Rice (under the nom de plume A. N. Roquelaure) are excellent, as is the Story of O series. These allow the mind to wander and create it's own vision, a lost art in writing.
christylynn's Avatar
hmmm thanks ill have to check all these out