The Gray Lady's Sexual Agenda Revealed

By Tara Servatius

Giddy after the recent legalization of gay marriage in New York, the editors at the New York Times are laying out the left's post-gay marriage agenda in the paper's pages for all to see.
What they clearly want is a country that is sexually unrecognizable from the one we live in today, one where marital infidelity is accepted as a lifestyle choice and actually celebrated, and traditional marriage is legally marginalized and removed from the public square.
Times op-ed columnist Ross Douthat essentially laid out the cultural side of the left's and the Times' post-gay marriage agenda in a July column.
Gay marriage supporters called liberationists "hope that gay marriage will help knock marriage off its cultural pedestal altogether," Douthat explained.
To liberationists, if traditional marriage becomes the "gold standard" for relationships both gay and straight, the gay marriage movement will have "failed in its deeper mission," which he describes as introducing a "greater freedom than can be found in the one-size-fits-all rules of marriage."
The apparent hope is that legalized gay marriages will be more openly sexually promiscuous than straight marriage, providing an example that would then influence heterosexual couples to adopt the same open-marriage lifestyle.
In a June article called "Married, With Infidelities," the Times used gay activist and columnist Dan Savage's open marriage as the new model for straight marriages that should take root culturally from the legalization of gay marriage.
In the article the Times praised Savage for arguing against the American obsession with strict fidelity. "In its place he proposes a sensibility that we might call American Gay Male, after that community's tolerance for pornography, fetishes and a variety of partnered arrangements, from strict monogamy to wide openness," the Times article reads.
"A more flexible attitude within marriage may be just what the straight community needs," the article continues. "Treating monogamy, rather than honesty or joy or humor, as the main indicator of a successful marriage gives people unrealistic expectations of themselves and their partners."
While straight marriage has its share of infidelity, studies show that gay male marriages are often very different from traditional straight marriages. Gay partnerships are far more culturally accepting of infidelity before the fact, and in many it is even expected. According to the book Sex in America: A Definitive Survey, 100 percent of male gay couples in the study experienced infidelity in their relationships in the first five years and those who stayed together past the 10-year mark did so only by accepting the painful reality of infidelity in their relationships. Some 85 percentof the couples reported that their greatest relationship problems centered on issues related to outside relationships.
That's the cultural side of the left's new battle to take down marriage. In court, the new, post-gay marriage goal of the left will apparently be to attempt to remove marriage, and any special legal significance that comes with it, from the public square in much the same way they've sought to strip out God.
Before the new gay marriage law even hit the books in New York, Columbia University Law Professor Katherine M. Franke, a gay marriage supporter, was championing the next step.
"While many in our community have worked hard to secure the right of same-sex couples to marry, others of us have been working equally hard to develop alternatives to marriage," Franke explained in the Times:
Winning the right to marry is one thing; being forced to marry is quite another. How's that? If the rollout of marriage equality in other states, like Massachusetts, is any guide, lesbian and gay people who have obtained health and other benefits for their domestic partners will be required by both public and private employers to marry their partners in order to keep those rights. In other words, "winning" the right to marry may mean "losing" the rights we have now as domestic partners, as we'll be folded into the all-or-nothing world of marriage ... This moment provides an opportunity to reconsider whether we ought to force people to marry -- whether they be gay or straight -- to have their committed relationships recognized and valued.
You can see where they're going with this.
As gay marriage becomes more firmly established, the next set of lawsuits will be discrimination claims by domestic partners against any institution that legally recognizes marriage in a bid to put domestic partnership on an equal legal footing with marriage. Franke and others like her want the rest of the country to operate like New York City, where same-sex and opposite-sex couples can by law register as domestic partners and are entitled to the same benefits as married couples.
The acceptance of infidelity theme has been subtly pushed at the Times for over a year now. The paper caused major controversy in December when it fawningly profiled the marriage of a homewrecking couple, who met at the school their children both attended while married to other spouses, in the "Vows" section of its bridal guide.
But married couples aren't the only targets for the Times' sexual revolution. The paper just printed a piece suggesting that parents follow the Dutch model and allow their teenaged kids to bring their partners home for sex so they don't have to sneak around. So far, the Times hasn't been clear on whether mom and dad should go out to meet their own extramarital partners for sex, or whether they should bring them home, too, for one big family sleepover.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-30-2011, 06:35 AM
This is a hooker board.

Which makes that ironic.
This is a hooker board.

Which makes that ironic. Originally Posted by Doofus
Ummm, Doofus, hookers are family friendly....prostitution is an institution which supports the institution of marriage......that's why both institutions have been around since the beginning of time.......if you're fucking a hooker, chances are you aren't fucking a girlfriend who is more likely to break up your family and harm your children.....

Ummm, Doofus, most men don't hire male hookers like fucking freaks and degenerates want everyone to be a freak and degenerate like you so you feel better about don't care if you harm children, thus want to destroy traditional marriage because the contrast between you and someone in a traditional marriage makes you look like a freak and don't like the way being a freak and degenerate makes you feel, you want to be labelled mainstream and the only way to do that is make freakdom and degeneration don't want to change yourself, you want to change us...go fuck the fucking article's the gay agenda.....

society falls into chaos when you destroy the foundation of society, and that foundation is the family [one man, one woman and their children......children do better when their parents are together]

hetero sex/relationships are more important than homo sex/relationships....Doofus, no matter how many times you ejaculate in the anus of a hairless 18 year old Filipino boy, he will not get pregnant.....heterosexual relationships are entitled to special benefits and status from society.......if you homos want a special place for yourselves, i suppose we could set you up a nice country somewhere in the Middle East....drop a wall on your gay-ass! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-30-2011, 09:09 AM
You actually took the time to type that.

You actually took the time to type that.

Wow. Originally Posted by Doofus

Nothing else to say but that?..........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

you know I'm RIGHT, but we both know you can't admit that..........
Sa_artman's Avatar
Oh snap. This proves it unequivocalably. Marshall's infatuation with all things gay. Way to come out!!!! No wonder he doesn't review. Its ok. You have lots of escorts here who like to suck dick as well and some even take it up the ass like you. You're in good company. We won't tell any of your anti-American terrorist friends. Promise.

Ha!Ha!Ha!, and so on....

Lol. What a loser.
Marriage is a piece of paper that says one person is legally able to make decisions regarding another if something should happen to the other. It is a piece of paper that allows two people to purchase large items (car, house, boat, property, etc...) in BOTH names and allows both equal rights to said items. It is a piece of paper that allows two people to have life insurance, survivorship rights, and all legal privelages towards each other.
Why shouldn't two men or two women be allowed that piece of paper?
Grow up and deal with it.

Being a liberal atheist rocks!
surcher's Avatar
Oh snap. This proves it unequivocalably. Marshall's infatuation with all things gay. Way to come out!!!! No wonder he doesn't review. Its ok. You have lots of escorts here who like to suck dick as well and some even take it up the ass like you. You're in good company. We won't tell any of your anti-American terrorist friends. Promise.

Ha!Ha!Ha!, and so on....

Lol. What a loser. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Marshall is not only our Terry Schiavo, he's our Ted Haggard too! Watch out Doove, I think he's got the hot's for you. Next thing he'll do is hire a male escort and ask him to dress like the Joker and beg to be the recipient.
akito237's Avatar
They have actually proven with an amazing degree of accuracy that those who are the strongest opponents of homosexuality... i.e., those who claim that it is deviant and unnatural and unholy... actually are repressing their OWN homosexual desires so much that they have to villify it. The rate of divorce among heterosexual couples is 43% for first marriages, 60% for second marriages, and 72% for marriages past 3. If Heterosexual couples disregard marriage so much that an average of 1 in 2 couples get divorced, I say that DOMA would be better applied preventing divorces than preventing gay marriage!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nothing else to say but that?..........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

you know I'm RIGHT, but we both know you can't admit that.......... Originally Posted by Marshall
The more often he does it, the more he hates himself. The hate pours out of him with every word he types, every HA! he pretends to send at us. At a certain point we should feel nothing but sorry for him. I feel that if I actively enjoy all his self induced pain it could come back to haunt me as bad karma. Adding to all this is the possibility of becoming hooked on the high of Schadenfreude because, as only God could love the little bastard, he just oozes it.
Because of his political leanings, maybe we all ought to chip in to get him a “Stay and pray away the Gay” weekend at Michelle’s husband’s clinic using the Ted Haggard Method.

No, fuck him. Let’s all just get laid!!

And speaking of oozing, being ever the helpful guy with a link, here you go marschall D
On a Friday and Saturday night, people really spend their time on a hooker message board posting anti-Marshall rants!? For real?

I suppose if you're a worthless piece of shit who women die to get away from, then I guess so.............
Solemate62's Avatar
On a Friday and Saturday night, people really spend their time on a hooker message board posting anti-Marshall rants!? For real?

I suppose if you're a worthless piece of shit who women die to get away from, then I guess so............. Originally Posted by Marshall
Marshall, I have no sides in this but you seem to revel in getting others worked up enough (the quote above) to heap abuse on you. Might you be Masochistic?
Marshall, I have no sides in this but you seem to revel in getting others worked up enough (the quote above) to heap abuse on you. Might you be Masochistic? Originally Posted by Solemate62
nobody here is capable of abusing me.....
  • MrGiz
  • 07-31-2011, 07:38 AM
Solemate62's Avatar
Originally Posted by MrGiz
That pic and caption is too fucking funny, Mr. Giz! Well done!!