Ex-White House Ethics Chief Calls McConnell A 'Perjurer' After Senator Takes Impeachment Oath: He Said 'The Exact Opposite'

  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 07:44 AM
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was branded a "perjurer" Thursday by former President George W. Bush's ethics chief, after the Republican senator took an oath swearing impartiality in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
McConnell has explicitly indicated he has no intention of being impartial, vowing to work closely with White House counsel and Trump as the trial approached. Richard Painter, Bush's chief ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, denounced the senator on Twitter for contradicting himself by taking the oath.

"This man just swore an oath saying the exact opposite. This man is a perjurer," Painter tweeted, accompanied by a December NPR article featuring McConnell vowing to be anything but partial in the trial.
"I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on December 17, according to the article. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."
Newsweek contacted Painter for additional comments but did not receive a response in time for publication.
The text of the oath McConnell took Thursday, which was administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, offers a clear pledge to remain impartial: "I solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, So help me God."
Painter is a longtime Trump critic and one of several legal experts who have been critical of McConnell's actions and statements regarding the impeachment trial. He voiced his displeasure with the majority leader when he announced he would refuse to be impartial shortly after Trump was impeached in December.
"For Mitch McConnell to say he's working with the White House, coordinating with the defendant in this trial before the trial has even begun is atrocious," said Painter during a CNN panel discussion. "He may think he's a judge impaneling an all-white jury for a Klansman trial in Mississippi in 1965. That's not the kind of trial we have."
"It shouldn't be partisan. It should be about America. Our loyalty is to the United States of America, and senators take an oath to their country," Painter added.
McConnell is one of several Republicans who have indicated that they feel no obligation to remain impartial, due to the partisan and non-judicial nature of the House impeachment proceedings. The Constitution mandates that impeachment trials are the exclusive domain of the Senate.
In the lead up to the trial, senators of both parties have come under fire for publicly announcing their conclusion before the trial begins. Although the specifics remain to be seen, observers largely agree that Trump is unlikely to become the first president to be convicted in an impeachment trial.
Newsweek reached out to McConnell for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
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Here is Painter - now a Fascist DPSTR shill - pulling a Feinstein -Kavanaugh move to muddy up the impeachment proceedings. The House - in nazi pelosi's rush to Impeachment - did not do due diligence - and is trying to bring up more dirt from paid sources.

All they need is to call Michael Avenatti to bring out his personal bimbos to complete the ridiculous scenario. From his prison cell.

Four separate articles accusing republicans of "Perjury" - and not a word about Schumer and the rest of the Fascist DPST clowns, including their remaining candidates for POTUS - they are "Impartial". Hardly!

What a laugh - there is not a single Senator who will change their pre-determined vote based on the house managers presentations. No One!
Just more slanted hysterical Fascist DPST LSM BS. Typical tactics.

how much did they pay Painter for his "accusations"!!! Like he has any "ethics" at all!

Let the Fascist DPST's post in the blind unwillingess to SEE (read Think!)!
the hate that has filled these type of people since hellary lost blinds them from their all too obvious hypocrisy

its not just a hate of trump but of half of America, with about another 10-15% of us on the bubble
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper all about Hellarys and hatred
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 08:01 AM
It is also about a profound hatred of the Constitution and the representative democracy which has allowed America to flourish.

Fascist DPST's are led by committed Communists - Bernie for example- and example Jurek - his dedicated campaign worker - and look to install a Soviet USSR system on America.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
What’s left of the Republican Party doesn’t call him Moscow Mitch for nothing.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 08:31 AM
Desperation in the Fascist DPST Party!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't see desperation.. I see a Senate that wants to get out of this as easy as possible.. preferably via dismissal. they know evidence has been mounting against Trump recently.. yeah, I know, your side dismisses it all as Bullshit.. you don't want the American Public to hear witnesses. you want to say it's all a Deep State conspiracy, and because the House didn't conduct their hearing like you wanted, fuck everybody, we refuse to consider the case.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 09:40 AM
CT- you are in denial of the slanted , biased house hearings that refused any republican witnesses.
Dismissal out of hand is inappropriate - the Senate must give the farce Articles a thorough hearing.

Then vote on whether to allow further witnesses.

Facist DPST's are trying to play a Feinistein -Kavanaugh act with last minute "witnesses" - like the indicted Parnas
This is purely a political attempted assassination - because H.... lost is the real "crime" to the Fascist DPST's.
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT- you are in denial of the slanted , biased house hearings that refused any republican witnesses.

Facist DPST's are trying to play a Feinistein -Kavanaugh act with last minute "witnesses" - like the indicted Parnas Originally Posted by oeb11
not in denial.. I keep beating this Dead horse, but I'll give it one more slap.

Trump REFUSED to allow REAL witnesses to testify in the House. therefore the proceedings came up short of what should have been.. Trump wanted testimony blocked there, and wants it blocked in the Senate. why play this charade? you know Trump blocked witnesses, the House simply responded back. Trump only wanted HIS witnesses.

dismiss Parnas.. I don't know what he has to tell, but give me Pompeo, Mulvaney, Guiliani and Bolton, and I'm finished calling witnesses
HoeHummer's Avatar
Don't expects them to do that. They want to bring in a bunch of "witnesses" to makes an even bigger mockerys of this thing than they already are.
Jaxson66's Avatar
not in denial.. I keep beating this Dead horse, but I'll give it one more slap.

Trump REFUSED to allow REAL witnesses to testify in the House. therefore the proceedings came up short of what should have been.. Trump wanted testimony blocked there, and wants it blocked in the Senate. why play this charade? you know Trump blocked witnesses, the House simply responded back. Trump only wanted HIS witnesses.

dismiss Parnas.. I don't know what he has to tell, but give me Pompeo, Mulvaney, Guiliani and Bolton, and I'm finished calling witnesses Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Bullseye....Senators are already commenting about the lack of witnesses and documents.

Trump party claiming the intelligence committee didn’t do a through job.

The Dems presenting documents proving the obstruction of witnesses and documents by DJT

Now add Ken Star and Dershowitz to the office of propaganda and it’s the “ greatest impeachment of all time”....trump wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 03:11 PM
Corruption is the riged pre-ordained since nov 2016 house Impeachment proceedings.

Not to mention nazi Pelosi's jesus march to the Senate.

What propaganda.

Pelosi finally gave up trying to rig the Senate trial.

Put up all the biden's and parnas' you Fascist DPST's want - won't change the outcome.

not to mention every Fascist DPST Senator has alrady filled out their ballot of "Guilty"!
Fascist DPST's love to project their own crimes on the Other Side.

If the house Committees did such a thorough job - why call witnesses???
Is not all the necessary evidence already presented to the Senate?
Trump breathes and occupies the Oval Office - that is the real thrust of the Fascist DPST Articles of Impeachment.

Poor. Poor Fascist DPST's will be so disappointed.

nazi pelosi's make up might even crack.
What’s left of the Republican Party doesn’t call him Moscow Mitch for nothing. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Says Tehran JAX!!
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 03:17 PM
you mean Tehran J???
Fascist DPST's love the iranian mullahs much more than America.