Sessions Abandoned After Confirmed Appoinments

This was copied from Mens Lounge since it raises points helpful to Bob Hobby and Jane Provider...


Many providers that do "incalls" (which are not at hotels) use borrowed spaces (apartments of friends, other providers, etc) because of their unwillingness or inability to use their own apartments/homes. In these cases particularly when the are located inside a "complex" (where many buildings all look the same and building numbers often hard to see or just not there) there are lots of opportunities for mix-ups and mess-ups and last-sec hiccups. In some cases the provider does not even know enough descriptive info to navigate in Bob Hobby, which increases chances of last second frustrated bail-out.

In those cases where providers see clients at their actual place of residence (not smartest for provider's safety/security/privacy), there is an interest in making sure that Bob Hobby does not "wander" in way that captures the eyes of neighbors, superintendents, etc. In these cases, providers find it preferable to meet and greet, then walk-in together which looks more like normal social interaction expected around a private residence. Not always of course, but sometimes especially first-meets.

Whether provider in a borrowed space or not, there are many reasons which explain why it might have been sensible or at least understandable to meet in parking lot. Yep. Things happen for reasons. Usually. Trees for one loves to be greeted which can be equally seen as, but is unsuspecting to some, weird or inexplicable to others.

Ideally provider has good information about the lot itself (since the lots around these giant complexes all look alike and Bob Hobby has no idea where to drive or park). Ideally she will walk out, scout, observe navigation details in advance and observe the make and model and color of vehicles and other landmarks that let Bob Hobby know he's in the right lot ("after you pass the powder blue ford truck, please park under green overhang next to the white chevy SUV")

Once Bob Hobby gets to the right spot and both Bob Hobby and Jane provider both know there has been touch down and arrival at the gate, seems reasonable for Bob Hobby to exercise bit of patience (up to 10 minutes?) giving the Jane Provider time to greet Bob Hobby or to provide further instructions. While waiting, best form to stay in vehicle (or with moto on vehicle) and to remain inauspicious, keeping ones cool until the provider fetch.

Remember that is is Bob Hobby (not the neighbor white black hispanic asian..) who looks like person never seen by those who live or work there. You are the visitor, not the black (or white) guy smoking his cigarette...

After minute 10 of wait time, seems reasonable (?) to bolt (after texting intention to bolt) ideally with polite text...

Obviously we do not like to be watched. Fact is that whether its hotel, private residence or apartment complex we ARE watched (increasingly cameras everywhere too). If Jane Provider gives good info, and Bob Hobby keeps his cool mostly these meetings happen and end up win win.

In one recent case it went lose-lose, but fixable. Hoping these two try one more time, hold no grudges and make it worth it for both.

Trees goes out on limb and makes unusual request to K and YG: try one more time it will be well worth it for both. In doing so, lose-lose will be converted into win-win. The triumphant review will make the community smile.

Dear Jane Provider: Imagine Bob Hobby has no CLUE where you are, is near legally blind and gets lost easily and impatient once he does gets impatient and easily freaked. Give clear instructions.

Dear Bob Hobby: Keep your cool always, respect or at least recognize Jane not perfectly informed herself (about her location) especially when its non-hotel incall location. Recognize in life (hobby or not) hottest women are often hard to get and.or hard to find. Often happens those are the ones most worth the while.

GneissGuy's Avatar
Ladies, answer the damn phone before I enter the complex and talk me to the the door the first time I have an appointment.

It's to YOUR advantage. You've got a lot more to lose than I do, since you're the one who's going to face the consequences of attracting attention. You're also going to be there a lot more times than I am.
fun2come's Avatar
I will refuse to park in a certain spot. Deal Breaker, I win, pimps like Marco lose.

I am happy to receive suggestions and good directions to a preferred lot, don't want to get towed either, but it is MY decision where I park !

10 minutes in a parking lot is a LONG time, but I agree it is reasonable, however, I always wait in a more "public" spot, like a gas station, Fast Food parking lot, etc. which is like next door to incall location ...
Trees, why is the 10 minute wait in the parking lot reasonable?

If there is a 2pm appt, I expect to be at her door at 2pm and I expect her to be ready to receive me at 2pm. Why should there be a 10 minute wait?
I consider it rude to be asked to wait in the parking lot. I'll move on if asked.
atx33man's Avatar
I consider it rude to be asked to wait in the parking lot. I'll move on if asked. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
EddyWestside's Avatar
This incident just happened to me last night. Set up a time of 11:30pm well in advance. Texted the girl about 20 min before to let her know I was on my way. Texted again when I arrived at her place...and nothing! Waited for about 10 min, then I bounced. Called as I was leaving and no answer. Drove a total of 45 min for this encounter for nothing. She then had the "balls" to text me and tell me she had a client stay over a little bit longer, but that she was ready for me me now. Once I told her that I wasted my time on the trip to her place and all the way back to mine, she said that I had issues. Providers like that don't deserve anything good to be written about them. It's too bad that I can't post an actual review about the NCNS, but I just don't want other guys falling for this type of shit! Worse experience I've had so far...
Unfortunately a few are unprofessional not all but a few and don't take our time into consideration. That happens a lot with BP though. I've even seen a girl before and wrote a review about her and still got stood up. Now on another subject since I started doing this hobby I have found that the market lol has been flooded with providers but a lot of prices are going up instead of staying or even going down? Also it's not easy for a hobbyist to go to a strange place to begin with but then having to wait any amount of time is just rude and unprofessional! If we schedule an appointment for 1pm I will respect her time and be there on time and would expect the same thing in return.
It is good form if provider leaves one full hour (or more) between appointments. This is not only critical time to get organized (tuck away donation), wash up and mentally physically ready herself to be ready for next appointment - - is good form and practice.

This is especially true and useful, when the IC location is "hard to find" which will cause not only appointment-delays, but worse will bump-into-other-appointments if overbooked.

If Jane Provider decides to "stack" her appointments with knowledge that it will cause delays and that those delays "should be expected and tolerated" by Bob Hobby, that is bad for Bob Hobby and her reputation.

TCB skills, scheduling, screening and navigation are issues some providers are not so skilled. When its lack of skills OK. If overbooking (not leaving sufficient time between appointments) and that overbooking causes a confirmed/screened appointment to do the 10 minute bolt - - not good sign with regrets.

When this happens, we hope (expect?) Jane Provider to give explanation and fixes things x 2? Fingers crossed...

This is interesting, as it is similar to my experience last week.

I made contact with a provider for an appointment and we set the time so we'd meet in about an hour. She gives me an address, I look it up and it is an apartment complex.

I get there about 15 minutes before the scheduled time ( I did mention that I might be early) and find out that the gate is closed and the lot right outside the gate is very tiny and no place to park. No big deal, I think and drive up the road a bit and park it to give her a call. No answer. I wait a few minutes and shoot her a text asking for the gate code. I call again, still no answer.

Five minutes after appointment time she responds back with a text. She was in the shower, hence the wait for responses. As for the gate, she said wasn't aware that it was closed and that it seemed too early in the day for it to be closed. She then says that there is no gate code, she uses a card key...and that I would have to follow someone through.

I responded back that I wasn't going to hang around waiting for someone to just happen by. In any other case where I made it through the gate, I would have waited, but like I said, it was a small parking lot with no spaces. I wasn't going wait, nor was I going to circle the block.

I'm not sure if she had another appointment before me, but if she knew I was heading over and had time, why wait till the last minute to shower? Also, if it's close to the scheduled time, keep your phone handy, and if you're taking a shower...I'd suggest taking it in the bathroom and turning the ringer up.
Oops, fixes things x 3. Ouch. Seems clearer and clearer that appointments are getting stacked and overbooked, and done so in a known hard-to-find, hard-to-access place combined with the requirement of a parking lot meet and greet and unresponsiveness to phone/text when there is touch down and arrival at gate - - all regrettable.

Presumably if these reports affect Jane Provider's ability to maintain premium rates or to keep (no less grow) regular volume, behaviours might change. But not always. Frown.

Fancyinheels's Avatar
'Tis is one of the reasons why I usually only accept 2 multi-hour appointments a day, even when touring like I am now here in Austin. "Stacking" for me would be one in the late morning, then a long, leisurely lunch, one in the afternoon, then a swim and dinner, then a "nightcap" evening romp to send me off with sweet wet dreams. Pretty darn rare, however, for me to entertain 3 times in one day. (I do offer 1-hour sessions, but hardly anybody takes advantage of that. Not quite sure why, but I hope it's because one hour just isn't enough with me.)

For the last 2 years, I've kept a nice incall in a private apartment complex in Houston easily accessible to the freeway. I can relax and be fresh for each gentleman caller. (I did the hotel suite thing for a few years, and while I miss the maid service, I love having a place of my own. So much more can be done fun-wise. I just have to wear that maid's outfit myself every so often.) I usually have the gent phone me 10 minutes before he gets there and I'll give him the gate code and apartment # then so he won't have to wait.

However, I think a 5 to 10-minute wait isn't totally unreasonable, especially if she makes it up to you. (On the few unavoidable occasions that I have kept someone waiting, I would try to call if I could, and I gave extra time to compensate.) What if she's "occupied" in the restroom? There are other things to do in there besides shower, ya know. Biology doesn't always work on our time clocks. With respect, Lion, taking a phone into a bathing area is a really BAD idea. Steam can mess up the works, it could slide or get dropped into the sink, and if she's doing something else, er, ugh, germs.

Other things happen in life sometimes that might cause a provider to be running a little late that may have NOTHING to do with a previous client, like, heck, package deliveries, maintenance men checking fire detectors, phone call from someone she thought was you but then had to be polite while getting them off the phone, etc. I ask gentlemen reading this now to consider each instance on a case-by-case basis and if you inevitably have to wait a few minutes, please don't start seething with impatience until the lady explains, and if she can't to your satisfaction, then you can get upset and complain. If I had a dollar for every instance some fellow was 10, 15, 20 or more minutes late due to traffic (to borrow Lion's argument, they knew they were heading over, so shouldn't they have left earlier?), or worse, some totally trivial occurrence that they didn't even see fit to call me about, I'd be taking Hawaiian vacations on a regular basis.

Also, gentlemen, please tell me this: while I'm pretty lax on timekeeping during a session so no big deal for me, if some of you fellows are paying for an hour (or whatever) and show up 15 minutes early, how is that fair to the provider if you still stay for the original scheduled time slot? I know this happens a lot. Also, what IS the lady supposed to do if a gentlemen overstays by 10, 15, 20 minutes or more, which is also a frequent occurrence? (Even with an hour between sessions, that doesn't leave much time to prepare for her next visitor.) If she asks him to leave because she has another commitment, she often gets labeled as a clock watcher.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
I believe girls need 10 minutes "to get ready" for a few reasons:

1. To take 10 minutes off your time you are paying for (and probably the last 10 minutes at the end of the session so they can "freshen up" for the next guy)

2. Tell their manager/pimp/other girl sharing the room (guy hiding in the closet) to leave (or hide and be quiet). Or in an extreme case setting the guy up for a rip off.

3. They haven't been spending any time getting ready despite the fact you had an appt set and maintained contact the entire time.

In sure there are a few others but I don't think it's good business whatever the reason is.

Trees' 10 minute grace period is only his suggestion based upon an arbitrary time he has decided to give due to his own experiences and his patience level. In my opinion it should not be a rule or a social norm.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
To extrapolate on the above, a gent who is 10 minutes late:

1. Could h
ave discovered that he doesn't have enough money on him and will try to talk the provider into taking the session down from, say, an hour to 3o minutes.

2. Could be getting his cop buddies in place for a sting, or in an extreme case, might be loading a gun and getting ready to rob her.

3. Could have dawdled about getting ready and on the road to see her despite the fact they had set the appointment at a certain time.

So, if we were making sure that "all's fair in love and war... and P4P," if a fellow is 10 minutes late without calling, the provider should be able to "move on" with no problem. We all know that it doesn't work that way. There's a double standard.

A gentleman was 30 minutes late to his appointment with me here, and nice enough to bemoan the fact that he had lost half an hour of his play time, but I was nice enough to say nope, just stay and play the full session booked. We had a wonderfully wanton afternoon. A wee bit of patient give and take is just polite.

I think this thread would be very illuminating to the high volume gals, but will they take the time to read it?

Hmmmm..... I find it interesting that the escort visiting from out of town is the only provider to have commented so far. Is this such a bad problem in Austin that other ladies won't address it?
Easy Cum's Avatar
My dermatologist keeps me waiting all the time in that bland sterile room. I don't complain 'cause she's hot. Heck, every doctor I've ever seen has never been timely. That doesn't stop me from seeing them.

So 10 min for a good time seems like nothing to me.