I’m glad you asked. I can’t answer your first question, in regards to the so called hoax I suggest reading the first 10 pages of volume one. Where it clearly states the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in favor of candidate trump.
This isn’t a hoax or witch hunt it’s a cyber attack by Putin.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I said Russian collusion hoax, not Russian interference hoax. I agree the Russians interfered. The extent and impact were negligible IMO. The professional trump haters have blown it way out of proportion because they want to tarnish and delegitimize Trump's Presidency. Trump knows this and that is why he won't publicly admit the interference occurred.
Comey's missteps in closing and reopening the hildebeest email investigation had a far greater impact on voters than anything Putin did. And that's just one of many factors that swayed the public to vote against hildebeest. Not a bunch of fucking Russian bots on facebook.
Did the Rooskis interfere in the 2018 midterms? Funny how we didn't hear any whining about that! Oh wait, the dems won back the House so everything's cool, right? Plus we now have a President who, unlike his feckless, fumbling predecessor, is actually doing something to stop the very Russians who you delusionally say delivered the 2016 election to him!