Scrabble player Wanted

Scrabble partner wanted
for Sunday afternoons.
This is not hobby related
in any way.
Man or woman applies
to the request.
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow wish I was there...I am an ace at Scrabble!!
Your avatar is
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks baby....taken today....maybe in January we can play "dirty scrabble"!
Are words like WhoDat and Yall acceptable?
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol Mriley..wonder if they make a cajun version?
RichardNixon's Avatar
Scrabble partner wanted
for Sunday afternoons.
This is not hobby related
in any way.
Man or woman applies
to the request. Originally Posted by siberia
I play a little.

I'd enjoy playing sometime.
LA Man's Avatar
Ok, what brings about the request? Is this a regular scrabble get together? Ms Siberia deciding she wants to play scrabble Sunday?
I can't find anyone smart
enough or they think it's
Very boring . Sad face.
I can't play with someone
that can't spell.
Sunday is my relaxation day.

DallasRain's Avatar
I can't find anyone smart
enough or they think it's
Very boring . Sad face.
I can't play with someone
that can't spell. Originally Posted by siberia

lol I know the feeling babe!

I can spell pretty good...not perfect,but nobody is.
I was in a selling bee in school....and when I was in 5th grade ,everytime I got in trouble the teacher would make me write a page or two out of the dictionary word for word.So I learned that whole damn dictionary by end of school year! lol
My kids suck at spelling...
They will call me on the phone and ask me to spell something for them!
I got hooked on it
When I was in college.
The nerds let me
play because I was
a slut. rofl
True story
I'd be up for scrabble, but sadly my schedule wouldn't allow you to count on me regularly.
Sad face again.
There's always WordFeud or Words with Friends!