I'm in a shithole overseas right now ... that's all I can say. There are no women here - so, of course - women are ALL I think about. I am with a great group of guys - and damn, I thought I looked okay - but these dudes are like Superman or the Spartans from the movie "300" - they would make any woman spontaneously ovulate simply by standing next to them. LOL - no "homo" in that comment!
Anyway ... boob jobs ...
I have seen little insertion scars under the breast ... and I have seen some around the nipples. What is the difference here? Is one better than the other and what drives a woman's decision making on which way to insert it?
Also - I have seen some implants that you can actually see the outline of them from the side. I'm talking about the little "wrinkles" in the in the implant - I don't know how to describe it - but I think most implants have "ripples" in the silicone casing where the front and back of the bag attach.
Can't they make implants that eliminate these "wrinkles"??