Well, well, well......

Good hot goddamn it's my 420 post...

I remember that post from ASPD, waaaay back in the old days LOLOL...

So, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on some of my favorite KC memories..

Headmaster.. Oh my how I loved that man. He "made" me.. Discovered me in the inklings of AFF and brought me forward and taught me how to be "Jazz"... I miss him so very much and I do know that he is most likely laughing his ass off at all of the bullshit around the hobby nowadays...

Malwoody.. So, I'm outing you mother fucker. He has been my BFF since 2002.. I am forever grateful that we can still laugh and cry and just yenta on about life....

Mods...... I aint' no saint, but I appreciate you reaching out and telling me to "hold up yer wanna be highness"

and most importantly,

to my gentlemen from the KC area. Where I got my start. Will always be my favorite city to visit (not really live, too small and no ocean) and well have a second home.

Thank you all so much. I am so grateful for all of the fabulous guys in the entire state of Kansas who have been so wonderful to me. Whether we met once or you are one of the 72% who have been seeing me since 2001...

thank you thank you thank you

so... I'd quote some of my life shit, but I can't...

HAPPY 4:20 FOR JAZZ!!!!!

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Dang it...

My cover has been blown..
malwoody's Avatar
And like we have discussed, turned out that HM and I knew each other in high school..He was HOTT for my sister...LOL