Anime porn?

For some time now, I have seen a surprising amount of anime porn popping up on various sites.

Personally, I have never seen the appeal with it... So maybe I'm just not comprehending the nature of it.

With the younger generations growing up playing video games most of their lives and spending countless hours in "virtual world's" is this what the future of human sexuality going to become? Cartoonist representation of real people and real events?

I can't but think there's already issues with socially isolated kids/young adults because of being first thrown in front of televisions ( and then later computers) for vast parts of their developing years. Is there really that much of a disconnect that the fantasy will become the excepted norm?

Just looking for some thoughts on the subject.
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 12-08-2021, 07:51 PM
I know nothing about the underlying themes or premise of anime, other than (I believe) it's Japanese origin?

However - I do see the various ads and porn clips. From a position of ignorance, I don't see it any different than if they had developed porn of Wilma & Betty, or Vilma & Daphne, or Veronica & Betty. Those are the Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, and Archie characters, for those who are younger.

If they'd had that - I'd have watched it, and got off on it. To someone who grows up on anime, I imagine it looks just as real as a cavewoman depiction from the 60s; so therefore, a dude can jerk off to it.

I'm sure others have a deeper understanding. But some guys were drawing stick-figured naked woman on walls back in ancient times-and I bet that worked for their imagination just as well.
Don't forget Ahegao Face!! I dont get the appeal.
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 12-09-2021, 06:41 PM
had to google
I think a good part of it is because you can create something digital that would be utterly repulsive, illegal, and evil had you done it in real life...

Not going to lie though, I've seen some NSFW, not outright porn, artwork which is breathtaking.. but also some things that I just have to ask myself why anyone would even want to make...

It is what it is
laserface's Avatar
I think a lot of the reason Japanese anime porn exists (and it's targeted at adults - not all cartoons are meant for kids) is because Japan has pretty tight controls on what's allowed to be depicted in "live" porn. For example, they're not allowed to show an erect penis, they're not allowed to show a vagina at all, not allowed to show any penetration. Any of that that does occur in a Japanese porn video has to be blurred. I don't think the same controls exist for animated works. (Yet some of the stuff they *are* allowed to show is pretty over the top - but heaven forbid anyone sees an unblurred vagina...)
- but heaven forbid anyone sees an unblurred vagina...) Originally Posted by laserface

YUP! But oozing slimy tentacles penetrating a big breasted school girls' ass while she vomits jizz out her mouth is totally fine
I think a lot of the reason Japanese anime porn exists (and it's targeted at adults - not all cartoons are meant for kids) is because Japan has pretty tight controls on what's allowed to be depicted in "live" porn. For example, they're not allowed to show an erect penis, they're not allowed to show a vagina at all, not allowed to show any penetration. Any of that that does occur in a Japanese porn video has to be blurred. I don't think the same controls exist for animated works. (Yet some of the stuff they *are* allowed to show is pretty over the top - but heaven forbid anyone sees an unblurred vagina...) Originally Posted by laserface

On the other hand, I've noticed that many JAVs (Japanese adult videos) are much better shot than anything that is uncensored.

Yes you can't see things because they are blurred out, but that in turns leads to more creatively shot scenes and (god forbid) plot in videos.

Rather than something downright stupid like 'stepbro I'm stuck!'....
On the other hand, I've noticed that many JAVs (Japanese adult videos) are much better shot than anything that is uncensored.

Yes you can't see things because they are blurred out, but that in turns leads to more creatively shot scenes and (god forbid) plot in videos.

Rather than something downright stupid like 'stepbro I'm stuck!'.... Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

I do have to agree about the quality of japanese porn being good quality. I think Asian woman very attractive and the style of video is more in line with what I like to watch. The one and only thing I do not like is the shrilly, fake porn sound the female performers typically do. To me, it sounds way to much like a imitation baby crying that it alone can be a major turn off.

Yes, and hell yes, some of the excepted Japanese porn is just totally F'ed up! One of the most disgusting things I ever saw was some guy tied up, his head inside a bowl that was seal around his neck with duck tape. Then this group of women took turns pissing in bowl, shitting , dropping used tampons on his face until it filled up just past his nose and mouth ��. But all the vaginas were blurred ��. if anyone needs some eye bleach after reading that.. :')