Daily Mail Duckworth to no longer vote for Biden's straight, white nominees

  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 04:13 PM

Sen. Tammy Duckworth said she won't be voting for President Joe Biden's straight, white nominees any longer, until Asian-Americans are chosen to serve in the upper ranks of his administration like the cabinet.
'President Biden will be the first president in 20 years without a cabinet secretary who's AAPI,' Duckworth told reporters Tuesday on Capitol Hill, using the acronym for Asian-American and Pacific-Islander. 'To be told that, well, you have Kamala Harris, we're very proud of her you don’t need anybody else is insulting,' the Illinois Democrat added.
Duckworth said she would only be voting for Biden's 'diversity nominees,' which she defined as non-white, as well as members of the LGBTQ community.
Tammy Duckworth standing in front of a coat: Sen. Tammy Duckworth said Tuesday that she will no longer vote for any of President Joe Biden's straight, white nominees until more Asian-Americans are chosen for high-level jobs in the administration

Sen. Tammy Duckworth said Tuesday that she will no longer vote for any of President Joe Biden's straight, white nominees until more Asian-Americans are chosen for high-level jobs in the administration

Duckworth complimented Biden's response - saying that he's been 'caring and thoughtful and humane' - to what Asian-Americans have gone through, first with the uptick in hate crimes linked to being blamed for the coronavirus pandemic, and then to last week's Georgia spa shootings, which targeted Asian-American businesses.

Biden has spoken out against Asian-American racism several times and signed an executive order condemning former President Donald Trump's use of racist terms to refer to the coronavirus.
However, an exchange Monday night with White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jen O'Malley Dillon left a bad taste in Duckworth's mouth.
'Last night, that was the trigger for me,' Duckworth said.
She told reporters that the comment about Harris, who's half Indian-American, was made by Dillon.
'But multiple times I've heard that. And that is not something you would say to the black caucus - "well, you have Kamala, we're not going to put any more African-Americans in the cabinet because you have Kamala,"' Duckworth said. 'Why would you say it to AAPI?'
Harris is also half Jamaican-American.
The White House has yet to respond to DailyMail.com's request for comment.
Most of Biden's cabinet jobs are already filled, but Duckworth, a veteran, pointed to positions like deputy secretary of defense and assistant secretary of defense for policy.
The top gig at the Office of Management and Budget also remains vacant after Biden's initial pick, Center for American Progress think tank leader Neera Tanden's controversial tweets, cost her too many Senate votes.
Duckworth also said the Federal Communications Commission chair could be Asian-American.
Under former President Donald Trump the job belonged to Ajit Pai, the son of Indian immigrants.
Another Asian-American, Elaine Chao, served as Trump's transportation secretary.
'They could make a commitment for a future cabinet secretary, an actual cabinet secretary,' Duckworth also offered.
Biden vowed to have the most diverse cabinet in history, but no cabinet-level officials are Asian-American.
Katherine Tai, the U.S. Trade Representative, is the most senior Asian-American official.
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More of the usual race-baiting and race discrimination and preference/discrimination from teh party of' 'tolerance and diversity'.
Merit for teh best person for a job means nothing - compared to skin color and sexual preference to DPST's.
Quotas, racial discrimination, racial preference, 'separate but equal', and segregation - all absolutely just fine with the DPST's - as long as they propose it.

I remember the Selma bridge police riot, - watched on tv - and teh Voting and civil rights acts of 1964, and integration.

DPST's and their flat rejection of merit and equality for all under the Law - are truly - along with their al sharpton -race-baiters and teh racist purveyors of discrimination and hatred to an American public which would prefer to have the best person for teh job - regardless of duckworth, fiden, and their DPST Racism!
They take America back to teh mores and values of Bull Connor and George Wallace - and Duckworth - u R a Racist!
whatever happened to "elections have consequences"?

if you consider all people equal, other than experience and competency and obedience to the constitution and their personal fairness, why base a decision on skin color?
  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 04:30 PM
and Hatred!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Election control ^^ DPST have had little consequence for anything for years
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2021, 07:55 AM
whatever happened to "elections have consequences"?

if you consider all people equal, other than experience and competency and obedience to the constitution and their personal fairness, why base a decision on skin color? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I don't consider you equal.
I don't consider you equal. Originally Posted by WTF
you don't consider much at all
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ducky is not satisfied with the status quo.... spilt milk.
Duckworth has always been a posturing useless idiot.
Duckworth has always been a posturing useless idiot. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
tucker called her silly and unimpressive

as I recall the comment was connected to duckworth and her stand on monument removal
and the general idea that dimocrats don't much like America

at least not the one with the constitution and ideals we have or, rather, had
HedonistForever's Avatar
whatever happened to "elections have consequences"?

if you consider all people equal, other than experience and competency and obedience to the constitution and their personal fairness, why base a decision on skin color? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ah, there in lies the rub. This new group of Democrats no longer believe in equality and no longer believe in Martin Luther King's dream of one day judging everybody by their character and I'll add meritocracy,

a system, organization, or society in which people are chosen and moved into positions of success, power, and influence on the basis of their demonstrated abilities and merit

but by the color of their skin which is now being called "equity".

King must be rolling over in his grave right about now.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think they'll toss king out at some point, hes been said to be something of a misogynist with women.