Can't you feel it? Can't you see it?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
You people are thrashing about and will believe anything but the truth.
Trump is ruining America and you douche-bags (don't pretend anyone left who supports trump is anything but) are helping.
Not by accident. By design.

Trump loves the undereducated. His only base left.
bambino's Avatar
The only thrashing is from you and your ilk you stupid punk. The only thing you feel is someone's asshole on your tongue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice talk, EATLER.

It's cold up north today. Does that mean you don't sweat as much under them MOOBS of yours?

bambino's Avatar talk, EATLER. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Cockstalk much you cocksucking pig.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump is ruining America .... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

... shouldn't you be in Sunday School classes?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twelve steps, EATLER! In a row...

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The only thrashing is from you and your ilk you stupid punk. The only thing you feel is someone's asshole on your tongue. Originally Posted by bambino
You sure talk about punks and licking assholes a lot.

Just goes to show you go with what you know best when you have nothing else to say.
bambino's Avatar
Twelve steps, EATLER! In a row...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
12 cumshots down your throat piggy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can you even find your throat, EATLER?

See if you can get some help with that at your next meeting...

Munchmasterman's Avatar
... shouldn't you be in Sunday School classes? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sunday school classes?

You will truly type anything for a post credit.

Won't you, Dr. Tanto, DoS?
LexusLover's Avatar
Sunday school classes? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'll take that as a "No"!

Kinda wimpy of you to answer a question with a question. Not surprised.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Unfortunately these dummies wont wake up. They know we're smarter and more progressive intuitive thinkers but they could care less. Why? Because out of their ignorance they're hell bent on self destruction. These morons think it is about Obaminable, Hildabeast and all that other silly shit they yap about.

They are largely uneducated hicks and will never realize the beginning of the end because they don't have a clue about how modern warfare with enemies like Putin is actually played. Trump is nothing more than Putin's useful idiot in his quest for Russia to replace the US as World Power by weakening our global alliances but more importantly our systems from within. He's already accomplished so much by putting Trump in the white house. The CIA weakened, the FBI compromised, our Military despondent after Trump has been trashing them. Our intelligence agencies weakened in the light of Trump thrashing them. The State Dept run by Tillerson has been marginalized by Trump. The media & free press under attack by Trump.

So the cumulative effect is a severely weakened America. Putin is a Master strategist of which Trump is his puppet. Trump's followers are just too slow and uneducated to grasp this conceptually. These idiots are so caught up in social and racial feelings while Putin is working quietly to Subjugate them all.

I'll be long gone into Canada by then. I'm working on contingency plans now. I hope Putin comes in and have all these Trump hicks including RM. breaking USSR bricks at FT. Leven Worth. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
LexusLover's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Odumbo's boy Gruber said you're stupid, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, and hildebeest's minion says you hildebeest followers are ignorant just the way hildebeest likes you, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Your posts prove they were right, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

BTW, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, hildebeest still ain't nobody's president ... and NEVER WILL BE no matter how much your stupid-ass whines.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like libs are stuck on 2nd stage of grief. apparently can't get past 3rd stage. once they get to 3rd stage, they slide back to 2nd stage. repeat cycle.

looks like it'll take 'em 6 months to get over the election if ever.