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ICU 812's Avatar
No More, No Less

The public discussion of policy issues, Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual.
We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to the same criticisms as President Trump.
Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is now considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways before and during WW-II. President Truman nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops. President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, that took place inside the White ahouse.. President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in powe. Eventually impeached, he chose to resign rather than face removal through conviction of obstruction of justice. President Clinton was an admitted womanizer in and out of office. Eventually he was charged with purgery and disbarred.

President Trump is in good company historically. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man.
  • oeb11
  • 07-30-2020, 09:56 AM
ICU-'Eventually he was charged with surgery and disbarred. '

i believe it was perjury that earned Clinton Impeachment and disbarment.

Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (first article, 228–206) and obstruction of justice (third article, 221–212).
Charges: Perjury (2), obstruction of justice, ab...

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Of course, When it came to Lying - Billy clinton was a master at it.
Perhaps if hehad practice 'surgery' on H... with multiple lifts, nips and tucks, a personality transplant, and a political IQ graft, - H... might have won in 2016!!!

after the unveiling of the news media and the last four years

doubts about nixon ever having done anything wrong have begun to stir

and since your list had womanizers as a focus

you left out LBJ

He was notoriously jealous of Kennedy’s reputation with the ladies, once claiming to have “had more women by accident than Jack had on purpose”.

carl rowen, a gov official in the 1960's:

tells this story of Johnson and a pretty young White House secretary:
“In 1965, when I headed the US Information Agency, I was approached by a shaken White House employee who told me of her first duty trip to the Texas ranch where President Johnson often retreated. She said she awakened in the wee hours of her first night there in terror, certain that someone was in her room. When a little pencil flashlight was shone on her face, she was too terrified to scream. Then she recognised Johnson’s voice saying ‘Move over. This is your president’.”

Lapdog's Avatar
The previous three posts seem to ignore the fact that they are about yesterday's box scores. They don't matter about the here and now. Plus, Trump is the worst president this country has ever had.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Lapdog got it right ! Glad to see you back. Is that Astro or Scooby Doo ?

I get the drift of what the OP is saying but with Chump's bumptious conduct of the office of the Presidency it's hard to even get to his policies most of which I disagree with anyway.

Chump doesn't realize,people just don't like him and don't trust him.
Chump openly wondered to a reporter "Why is Fauci more highly regarded than himself" on the Chump virus.
People don't like him.People don't trust him.
No you both got it wrong, as I've said in many other threads, Trump REPLACED the worst PRESIDENT we've ever had .....
Lapdog's Avatar
Lapdog got it right ! Glad to see you back. Is that Astro or Scooby Doo ?

I get the drift of what the OP is saying but with Chump's bumptious conduct of the office of the Presidency it's hard to even get to his policies most of which I disagree with anyway.

Chump doesn't realize,people just don't like him and don't trust him.
Chump openly wondered to a reporter "Why is Fauci more highly regarded than himself" on the Chump virus.
People don't like him.People don't trust him. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
+1. Scooby. Most people don't like assholes, and they realize that someone doesn't need to be an asshole to get things done. I can't speak for everybody, but that's the main reason that I don't like Trump. Plus, he's in over his head and won't listen his advisors. Advisors who know a hell of a lot more than he does. He's a dangerous fucking trainwreck.
ICU 812's Avatar
OEB: Thanks fior those corrections and clarifications.

My intention is not to defend Trump, his morals, ethics or characer. They are what they are .v . .and we all knew about him before the election.

My point is that most great men have flaws or lapses of one sort or another, yet they manage great events or accomplish great things. "Womanizing" is an easy one to recall on short notice and does' need much research. These are distractions from dealing with the major challenges facing us today. My recollection is that Bill Clinton was publicly caught out in a bald faced lie to his family and the American people. yet, his supporters continued to back him because he was "right" on the issues that matter.

Trump is no more and no less than any of these other men.

  • oeb11
  • 07-30-2020, 01:10 PM
ICU - Thank You , Sir.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The previous three posts seem to ignore the fact that they are about yesterday's box scores. They don't matter about the here and now. Plus, Trump is the worst president this country has ever had. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Trumps not the worst.

Wilson has that title followed by Andrew Johnson.
Ripmany's Avatar
we need more coronavirus we need more covid-19 we minimo go on the last we need more covid-19 we need more more more coronavirus that's too many people on this plan too many damn people on this planet 2 minutes too many too many too many to too many people on this planet we need more corner virus now we need the corner virus to get this down for we have space to breathe and are so many by your sauce was mostly guys anyway
The previous three posts seem to ignore the fact that they are about yesterday's box scores. They don't matter about the here and now. Plus, Trump is the worst president this country has ever had. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Guess you weren't around for Jimbo Carter and the misery's index.
It took President Reagan to turn that around and the voters gave him an historic LANDSLIDE VICTORY(over the LEFTWING radical Wally Mondale) because of his STRONG conservative leadership!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
+1. Scooby. Most people don't like assholes, and they realize that someone doesn't need to be an asshole to get things done. I can't speak for everybody, but that's the main reason that I don't like Trump. Plus, he's in over his head and won't listen his advisors. Advisors who know a hell of a lot more than he does. He's a dangerous fucking trainwreck. Originally Posted by Lapdog

yeah. just what i thought. i told ya Trump's always been an asshole. that's not a reason why his presidency is a failure .. to you. his presidency has been a huge success to me and millions of others. as i said before tell me what Trump has done as president you don't agree with.

if you do i'll send you a virtual scooby snack

No More, No Less

The public discussion of policy issues, Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual.
We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to the same criticisms as President Trump.
Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is now considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways before and during WW-II. President Truman nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops. President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, that took place inside the White ahouse.. President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in powe. Eventually impeached, he chose to resign rather than face removal through conviction of obstruction of justice. President Clinton was an admitted womanizer in and out of office. Eventually he was charged with purgery and disbarred.

President Trump is in good company historically. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man. Originally Posted by ICU 812
President Trump has kept us out of war, reduced our presence in Iraq and other foreign lands. He has sent messages to the enemy that our goodwill won't be taken advantage of. He has sent messages to our allies that they'll pay their fair share of military cost. Attacks on our soil, unlike the Obama years, are hardly heard of. Unless, of course, they are Democratic Party sponsored BLM and Antifa incursions.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
President Trump has kept us out of war, reduced our presence in Iraq and other foreign lands. He has sent messages to the enemy that our goodwill won't be taken advantage of. He has sent messages to our allies that they'll pay their fair share of military cost. Attacks on our soil, unlike the Obama years, are hardly heard of. Unless, of course, they are Democratic Party sponsored BLM and Antifa incursions. Originally Posted by gnadfly
