Anyone else experienced this?

Cpalmson's Avatar
Guys, have any of you experienced the following during a session? Girls, as providers, have any of your clients had this happen? On several occasions within the past couple of months, I have experienced the following. I've cum and orgasm-ed without being hard. On each occasion, this was the second or third cup for me, and the provider was giving me a BBBJ. The first time it happened, it really surprised the provider I was with. The second time, the gal I was with wasn't fazed a bit and went on to do it several times. Each time this has happened, it was an intense experience-- more so than cumming regularly. With the second provider, she could have gone on for hours. That's how strange but good it felt.
Rae Monroe's Avatar
Girls, as providers, have any of your clients had this happen?

Yes I have had this happen a few times, probably half a dozen. It happens with gentlemen who are not all the way hard as well as with guys as hard as rockets.

On several occasions within the past couple of months, I have experienced the following. I've cum and orgasm-ed without being hard. On each occasion, this was the second or third cup for me, and the provider was giving me a BBBJ. The first time it happened, it really surprised the provider I was with. The second time, the gal I was with wasn't fazed a bit and went on to do it several times. Each time this has happened, it was an intense experience-- more so than cumming regularly. With the second provider, she could have gone on for hours. That's how strange but good it felt. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

It is an intense experience and has happened with a few clients who have had either testicular cancer or prostate cancer where ejaculation really isn't an option. I have been told the experience is exceptionally gratifying.
Orgasm, erection and ejaculation are three different things that can happen by themselves or in conection with one or both of the other two.
Orgasm, erection and ejaculation are three different things that can happen by themselves or in conection with one or both of the other two. Originally Posted by perdido
It's hard for me to wrap my head around this concept. But if you say so.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
As an older gent with erection problems I can assure you that with proper oral stimulation the orgasms are as intense as ever and much enjoyed. Indeed, with a lot of foreplay with a willing provider it is not unusual to pop more than once.
My experiences have been as listed in the above responses. You can believe it CS2005...

Health issues may prevent a gentleman from achieving an erection but he can STILL have an orgasm and can also still ejaculate.

A gentleman CAN have an orgasm without an erection OR ejaculating as well.

It's ALL good!
I've had a client ejaculate and orgasm while being soft and a couple who have been hard and orgasm with no ejaculate.
It is not uncommon for a couple of my friends (we do not consider it a *problem*) to feel really good 2 or 3 times within an hour. They say the experience is more intense and satisfying...

I know it is to me ... ;-) giggle