article: sex is sex money is money

oilcanmancan's Avatar
Agreed good read
Yes, good read.
robust44's Avatar
Very interesting. Thanks.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-15-2014, 06:27 AM
One of the best articles I have read.

I wish most ladies who were thinking about getting into the business read this first. At $1,000+ per hour she is not the "typical" escort, but much of what she says applies in any price range. It is a business. One with some unique aspects, but nonetheless, a business.

It should also be required reading before any news report or moral/religious group can publish a mostly-fiction "exclusive" about how every escort is trafficked and addicted.

Reading it, I would swear I have met her--except the pictures don't fit, and the woman I met was in DC, not NYC. But she is Russian, charged 1K an hour, and had a completely detached business approach hiding behind a sweet, sexy, GF exterior. The comment about not coming to the US to live in Illinois would be so like her. She lived in the same condo as my ATF, and I would occasionally run into her in the elevator, etc. My ATF introduced me to her, and we talked occasionally. The two of them were not friends, more like neighbors who worked in the same industry. The Russian was definitely a businesswoman, the classic long-legged slim blonde, and was very good at it (she had to be to live in that building)--but there was something cold below the surface.

Thanks for finding and posting it.
Very good article - thank you for sharing.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with the responder who thought the whole story was an overblown bunch of drivel. Some of it was good reading, but a lot of it was a freaking ad for driving up prices from gullible idiot men who like to overcompensate by flaunting their money. Before any of you call me a cheap bastard, just remember that I and most other hobbyists make our money the old fashioned way. Respect for other people's money I think is becoming sorely lacking in this business.
john_deere's Avatar
she's just serving a different market than most of us operate in. that market is made up of clients for whom $1000 is probably even less meaningful than $100 is to the average guy. some customers simply need to pay more, and she can't be faulted for taking advantage of that.
WOW, can you imagine what being her husband would be like? If she is real, I'm happy for her that she has it all planned out, but I just don't see her being able to have any kind of emotional relationship. Money might be just money, but sex isn't just sex, not all the time. Emotions do get involved to some degree.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I agree with the responder who thought the whole story was an overblown bunch of drivel. Some of it was good reading, but a lot of it was a freaking ad for driving up prices from gullible idiot men who like to overcompensate by flaunting their money. Before any of you call me a cheap bastard, just remember that I and most other hobbyists make our money the old fashioned way. Respect for other people's money I think is becoming sorely lacking in this business. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Couldn't agree more. I'm not a girl's ATM.
When I get some time and energy, I want to try doing the math, how much she saved, all her rent, bills, advertising etc, how much she must have made each year plus tax, if she paid tax. The more I think about it, the more I want to call bull $hit.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
When I get some time and energy, I want to try doing the math, how much she saved, all her rent, bills, advertising etc, how much she must have made each year plus tax, if she paid tax. The more I think about it, the more I want to call bull $hit. Originally Posted by badbadgirl2013
Im sure the figures are not that blown up. Your probably right questioning the tax issue. That's business I suppose?
Really insightful. It's a great article for girls who are not only barely breaking into the business but also for girls who feel like they are losing their "edge." It's very important to remember that we have to be more than pretty faces with long silky hair or whatever the case may be. We are more than our sexy features. We have distinct personality traits that men are intrigued by. She was also very right about having a specialty to offer such as couples, BDSM, etc. Again, great read all around!