CBJ and the mystery of DATY

What are the reasons a Provider will do a CBJ only but allow you to DATY her?

for me if you are worried about germs then this is not a valid reason,,so please lets explore some more.

the one i can only think of is the girl is just grossed out by pre-cum and semen...
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
or she just doesn't like sucking cock!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
They are selfish......j/k....

I think they think you cant catch anything from a CBJ and dont know if the gent is std free and she knows or assumes she is std free so she allows it...
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar

A CBJ will protect a woman from contracting many sexually transmitted infections, both bacterial and viral. This includes, but isn't limited to, herpes, HIV, and gonorrhea and chlamydia of the throat. Transmission risk is considerably lower than it would be with unprotected intercourse, but is definitely real.

Transmitting an infection from your mouth to her genitals is entirely possible, though very unlikely, the greatest risk being HSV-1 (a cold sore). If contracted, it manifests essentially the same way HSV-2 (genital herpes) would. You can also contract a bacterial infection or herpes from giving woman oral sex. Seriously, I know someone who got herpes in their eyes. If you're uncomfortable with BBDATY (typing that was funny!) use a dental dam.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Guys can also catch HPV in their throats from daty
Dick Diamond's Avatar

I know someone who got herpes in their eyes. If you're uncomfortable with BBDATY (typing that was funny!) use a dental dam. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Well doesn't that someone know your supposed use your tongue for daty and not your eyes?
methodx69's Avatar
Well doesn't that someone know your supposed use your tongue for daty and not your eyes? Originally Posted by Dick Diamond
HAHAHA....i laughed at that one
I don't offer either but, I hear some guys aren't polite enough to say when its time So with that you can have at it?? Just my thought.. When i'd give them to a guy I am seeing I couldn't use them. I hate the smell of them.
Once upon a time, I had a week where all I could mentally handle was CBJ. However, it was following quite possibly the most disgusting, horrifying, terrifying cum story ever...
But thats the only time I've ever done it.
Elephant's Avatar
However, it was following quite possibly the most disgusting, horrifying, terrifying cum story ever... Originally Posted by MaggieSinead
discreetx's Avatar
I like the San Francisco City STD Basics chart. However if I followed it completely I wouldn't be here. There is some risk in everything in life. I believe hobbyists and providers getting regularly tested will go a long way to managing the risk.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
And by the way, a local public health official has informed me that their is an EPIDEMIC of throat gonorrhea right now in Austin. The risk of getting this from DATY is extremely low -- basically unheard of but it is a very real risque from bbbj. And if you hit the back of her throat, you can catch it from her.

Providers need to be having their throats swabbed.

Which brings me to another point -- hobbyists who don't get STD tests! WTF is wrong with you guys?

I've had a condom break (don't worry. It was over 4 months ago and I've been tested many times since) and asked the guy when his last full std test was and he says over a year ago? WTF???

If you are not 100% monogamous or you aren't 100% sure that you're partner is 100% monogamous you need a full STD screen every 3 months. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Travis county will do it for $15, COA for free and Planned Parenthood for about $150. No excuses guys. I would love to see how your wife would feel about coming down with a bug you picked up while playing on the side.
AtxTexMex's Avatar

A CBJ will protect a woman from contracting many sexually transmitted infections, both bacterial and viral. This includes, but isn't limited to, herpes, HIV, and gonorrhea and chlamydia of the throat. Transmission risk is considerably lower than it would be with unprotected intercourse, but is definitely real.

Transmitting an infection from your mouth to her genitals is entirely possible, though very unlikely, the greatest risk being HSV-1 (a cold sore). If contracted, it manifests essentially the same way HSV-2 (genital herpes) would. You can also contract a bacterial infection or herpes from giving woman oral sex. Seriously, I know someone who got herpes in their eyes. If you're uncomfortable with BBDATY (typing that was funny!) use a dental dam. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella

Hmmm, what if a gentleman has open sores in his mouth or just any other type of laceration and performs DATY?
Seems quite possible then.
thanks for the great answers,, I figured there was more to it.
knotty man's Avatar
I always shower and brush my teeth before i meet up with a lady. But, i never floss before a date. Sometimes it causes my gums to bleed if i go too far between my teeth. and im afraid to have an open sore/wound just for reasons of daty. Am i being paranoid or is infection thru my gums a very real possibility?