Freedom of Information Act dickhead, try looking it up, any of us could have seen them the same as the New York Times did. You can thank Lyndon Johnson, he signed it into law in 1966, so no you can't blame Obama for this one you twat. Hell I can look up yours with the right info. Why is it if ol Donnie broke no laws and is such a great business man and tax genius, he won't give up his tax returns, I mean he "broke no laws" so what's there to hide?? Hmmm?
Anyone else find it hard to believe that one bad year allowed ol Donnie to possibly not pay any taxes for the next 18 years, I'm sure those tax returns show some interesting number playing to make sure that he took full advantage of the 50 million credit every year..... could that be why he won't show them, could that also be why he's being audited. Donnie's such the great candidate, I mean he's gonna make America great again, why does he hide so damn much? I know Hillary is a crook but Donnie's a charlatan, a huckster snake oil sales man with no real cure and his great elixir, the best elixir, grand elixir, no better elixir, best of the best elixir, Trump elixir means greatest of all time elixir is likely to cause more damage.
Here's Donnie and Julie selling that elixir