The scale of the Universe. Posted especially for Dannie.

LovingKayla's Avatar

This is way freaking cool. You can zoom in and out. There is some real quiet music just fyi.

I am real easy to amuse. This thing kept me looking at it for an hour.
Thank you, sugar butt! I couldn't open it on my iPad though .

There is a very cool app called "Star Walk" for iPad, that also keeps me endlessly amused. It's very, very cool, for those of you who have an iPad and a fondness for the night sky. You can hold your iPad up, and it will match up with the stars, give names of constellations, etc.

Thank you for thinking of me, Kayla
LovingKayla's Avatar
Got that one too!

When you get to a computer, try the link I posted. You will love it.
Years ago I had a National Geographic magazine with a fold out photo in it. The fold out was the equivalent of 3 magazine pages. On it was the night sky, thousands and thousands of spots on it....each spot was a galaxy. That foldout was the amount of space covered by holding a single grain of sand at arms length.

*mind blown*
This has little to do with astronomy, but it's very geeky:

Quantum Levitation

How cool is that?!?!? One step closer to hover-boards!
Another cool thing with profound impact on the very nature of electronics and computing:

Check out the one entitled "Spooky Entanglement" about quantum entanglement. If a state of quantum entanglement can be artificially induced...
pyramider's Avatar
Got that one too!

When you get to a real computer, try the link I posted. You will love it. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Fixed that for you, Kayla.
Got that one too!

When you get to a computer, try the link I posted. You will love it. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
....just looked at it on a "real" computer (wink wink) and I love it! You are the shiznit, LK. Thank you!

Another cool thing with profound impact on the very nature of electronics and computing:

Check out the one entitled "Spooky Entanglement" about quantum entanglement. If a state of quantum entanglement can be artificially induced... Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
I looked up "spooky entanglement", and while I love quantum theory/mechanics and related topics, I have to admit it takes me a few times to read everything before I can really grasp the concepts. So far, it's been a fascinating read! I am turned on by the potential for moving faster than the speed of light . There's a joke in there, somewhere...
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