re-direction from google to ask

I noticed yesterday my computer started re-directing all my google searches into ask. I went to control panel and removed all ask crap. Fucking updates are always attaching ask like Java.

Anyways I still am having re-direct issues and am not real computer savvy. Can anyone tell me how to remove all re-directs on my computer. I want to deal solely with google.
teyeger72's Avatar
ComboFix (free) can usually fix this. You may have an edit put into you Hosts file. I've had that problem before. is a link to the utility. I use it everyday at work...
nuglet's Avatar
maybe HOMER you can go get one of the new kiddie computers.. they won't let you browse porn, but you can still play Angry birds.
Tan Khan's Avatar
This has happened to me when installing free software.
If you go to the control panel, you will probably see an Ask toolbar. Just remove it and you should be fine.
bigleague's Avatar
go to your default browser settings. you have a setting for default search engine. it sounds like you have a "browser bot" that hijacked your machine
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-29-2012, 10:22 PM
Watch out when installing things like a Java or Flash update. Usually they will install browser tool bars as well unless you clear the check box indicating to install those tool bars. The Java updates include an install for the Ask browser toolbar unless you clear the check from the check box for it.
GneissGuy's Avatar
More and more people are disabling Java entirely these days.
teyeger72's Avatar
Fewer websites even use Java now and some of the newer browsers (i.e., Chrome) have Java already embedded in the browser code so there is no need to download the environment (unless you are a developer).
I had to deal with this one a few years ago, and I don't remember the details. I think I had to disable the toolbar, then go into Add/Remove Programs and remove all traces of the bastard.

Google "ask toolbar removal" for more information.
Thanks for the advice. I went to control panel yesterday before posting this and removed the ask toolbar and ask updated. when i update java and reader I try to make sure to uncheck the ask box but sometimes i miss it and have to remove it. this is the first time I've ever had the re-direct though. I will try the methods given thanks.
ozmosys's Avatar
I used to get the Ask toolbar every time I installed Gom player. Now I watch the prompts more carefully during installation.