The Apocalypse yes or no?

Realizing this isn't a particularly religious crowd I am still curious what everyone's thoughts are regarding the 2nd coming, Book of Revelations, the Antichrist, Foretold signs, the Apocalypse, Chips on hands or forehead, foretold persecution of Christians etc.

How does it all relate to the current day or does it?
PSW1995's Avatar
Good questions and thoughts, I myself do not believe in the end of days. The bible is a wonderful read, and faith is a very personal subject. I think you take any sequence of events from history and many people would see that as the end of days, (Presidental assinations, stock market crash, world wars) Yet we perservere through it and evolve as a species. (Well kinda, that is not the case in some parts of the world). I really like the idea of reincarnation. Jitterbug Perfume, and Cloud Atlas are two good recent history and culture art to look into.

Thanks for the subject...
Hogwash ! It was all written about the fall of the Roman Empire . It's already happened , the sun will rise again tomorrow !
nuglet's Avatar
well, until 12-21-12? Unless, god forbid.. the Mayans were wrong.. PARTY ON!!!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-07-2012, 05:45 PM
It may nor may not be about the Roman empire, but for all of those that insist it must be taken literally, instead of symbolic allegory need to actually read Revelations about the Antichrist, the First Beast or the Beast from the Sea. I quote Revelations 13:1-3, the King James version, (the bold facing is mine)
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
So, spotting the Antichrist should be pretty simple. A guy walking around with seven heads and ten horns, one of the heads with a nasty scar. Spots on his body like a leopard, paws like a bear, and a lion's mouth. Should stick out in a crowd, don't you think?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Realizing this isn't a particularly religious crowd I am still curious what everyone's thoughts are regarding the 2nd coming, Book of Revelations, the Antichrist, Foretold signs, the Apocalypse, Chips on hands or forehead, foretold persecution of Christians etc.

How does it all relate to the current day or does it? Originally Posted by Codybeast
How dare you say we aren't religious We are Pussyfarians, otherwise known as Datyists and we always put our mouth where our money is

As to the predictions of that other religious text, definitely so much bunkum.
Well, I studied biblical prophecy for years. I learned a lot. I'll say one thing. Obama to me is not the Antichrist, but is laying the path for him. The Antichrist will arise from one of the four kingdoms divided among Alexander the Great's generals after Alexander died.

The council of Europe buildings in Brussels has a sculpture of a woman riding a beast just like in the book of revelations. The European union parliament building in France looks like the old testaments Tower of Babel. Rumor has it the 666 EU parliament seat is vacant at this time.

I can spend days talking about prophecy.
I'll say one thing. Obama to me is not the Antichrist, but is laying the path for him. Originally Posted by kingorpawn

greymouse's Avatar
You know there is a reason for the general rule in polite society against talking about religion or politics - it opens up the possibility of finding out a lot more about the truly bizarre and demented beliefs your friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, or, in this case, fellow illegal activity enthusiast board participant, might hold and about which you really did not want to know. Since, once burdened with the awful truth, you will thereafter always have to make allowances for those beliefs when encountering them at the coffee machine (or on the Coed page).

Fortunately, here in ECCIEworld we do not have to actually deal with any of the other scofflaws. The customer guys part of we, anyway. Not that any of the Revelations in this tread about those members longing for Apocalypse are particularly surprising in view of the rest of their body of published work. One wonders if the Election Results having turned out differently than as was expected in some quarters set off these thoughts of Last Things.
You know there is a reason for the general rule in polite society against talking about religion or politics - it opens up the possibility of finding out a lot more about the truly bizarre and demented beliefs your friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, or, in this case, fellow illegal activity enthusiast board participant, might hold and about which you really did not want to know. Since, once burdened with the awful truth, you will thereafter always have to make allowances for those beliefs when encountering them at the coffee machine (or on the Coed page).

Fortunately, here in ECCIEworld we do not have to actually deal with any of the other scofflaws. The customer guys part of we, anyway. Not that any of the Revelations in this tread about those members longing for Apocalypse are particularly surprising in view of the rest of their body of published work. One wonders if the Election Results having turned out differently than as was expected in some quarters set off these thoughts of Last Things. Originally Posted by greymouse
Somehow I get the feeling that not too many aliases on a hooker board are overly concerned about what other aliases think of their politics or religion related posts. Now in the civie world I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I can't imagine anyone active on this site actually "longing for the apocalypse but you never know. There are all types floating around here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How dare you say we aren't religious We are Pussyfarians, otherwise known as Datyists and we always put our mouth where our money is

As to the predictions of that other religious text, definitely so much bunkum. Originally Posted by austxjr
I consider myself a ZAPPAtista!
Even the greatest heroes of the bible loved to get laid. Look Samson and Delilah. Rumor has it Delilah was actually prostitute which Samson's enemies were able to exploit. Plenty of bible stories to tell. I want the Apocalypse to happen after I'm no longer around.
Not a biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination but since revelations is a curious subject to both believers and non believers I will pass along my feeble understanding. My understanding is that the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is believed to be a geographical reference. The 7 heads represent the great empires.
The 7 heads are comprised of:
1. Babylon
2. Persia
3. Greece
4. Turkey
5. Syria
6. Egypt
7. Rome

the 10 horns are the regions that (in the future) reunite into a unified Europe i.e. a modern day Rome and as such they are:
1. Britain
2. France
3. Spain
4. Italy
5. Germany
6. Greece
7. Turkey
8. Syria
9. Egypt
10. Iraq
As for the reference to Animal parts those are as follows:
1. Babylon- the "lion"
2. Persia- the "bear"
3. Greece- the "leopard"

And now the final piece that was mentioned the wounded head that was healed. That is believed to represent the fall of a nation most likely an economic collapse.
endurance's Avatar
The people (especially religious) that are afraid of the apocalypse should spend less time fearing and more time not being assholes to others.

I think Jesus would be down with that.

I know of a lot of people in the midwest who think Obama's the antichrist - but mostly because he's black instead for all the crappy things he's done.
That looks about right. And Daniel speaks of a little horn that comes out of those ten horns which many believe is the Antichrist in alliance with the Vatican or Roman Catholic Church. Key word: Roman.

Not a biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination but since revelations is a curious subject to both believers and non believers I will pass along my feeble understanding. My understanding is that the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is believed to be a geographical reference. The 7 heads represent the great empires.
The 7 heads are comprised of:
1. Babylon
2. Persia
3. Greece
4. Turkey
5. Syria
6. Egypt
7. Rome

the 10 horns are the regions that (in the future) reunite into a unified Europe i.e. a modern day Rome and as such they are:
1. Britain
2. France
3. Spain
4. Italy
5. Germany
6. Greece
7. Turkey
8. Syria
9. Egypt
10. Iraq
As for the reference to Animal parts those are as follows:
1. Babylon- the "lion"
2. Persia- the "bear"
3. Greece- the "leopard"

And now the final piece that was mentioned the wounded head that was healed. That is believed to represent the fall of a nation most likely an economic collapse. Originally Posted by northaustincouple74