Magnific Media & The Courtesan Concierge... Here to provide busy Professional Companions & Providers with many of the services that make their personal and professional lives better!

A Few of Our Many Services:

  • Marketing Plans
  • Advertisments ( Graphic and thread ads designed )
  • Ad copy
  • Web design
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Business Plans
  • Computer Training
  • Persona makeovers
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  • Touring Help
& so much more!
Just wanted thank Tia at MagMedia and TCCS for all her hard work. This seems like the perfect place to do that.

I love my photos, site and by ads and oh yes my avatar.

If You are just gettin going are starting over she's the chick to see!

She is that hardest working ex working girl I know...{wink} Keep up the good work
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Looking good Macy, you remind me of my old BFF, but she got married and forgot all about me

And of course ... great work Tia!
I could be your new {wink}
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Awwww, you made me blush! Hopefully my new BFF is on the horizon

Sorry for the hi-jack Tia!
No problem Brooke you know you are always welcome in my threads!
beside just bumps me to the top so keep um

Not to mention you two together would be A Dynamic Duo! Look out hobby world!

Thanks Macy you have been a pleasure to work with. Here what your new ad looks like.

Just made Ashley Anders her new HTML site
I know we have been through this before

and I do apologize to the mods if this is in the wrong area, but I was not sure of where else to post it

Plagiarism really and truly is just plain wrong regardless of what type of business you are in.It is unfair to the women who put so much effort in to writing something original, and it is also unfair to the lady who believed she was paying for a site that came with original text.I believe that in this business it can be difficult at times to come up with something original. But, there is a huge difference between similar ideas, and a paragraph that has been copied word for word.

Tia, I honestly do not have anything against you except for the fact that I hate to see women in our business doing this to each other. More power to you if you want a career in marketing but, if part of that service is to write their web content I highly recommend some classes in English,grammar, and creative writing so you do not need to copy from other women to give your clients a well written site. I took a class in English recently to improve my writing skills, and it really was worth the effort.

I took a screen shot of both sites, so you can see how similar the text is, and just so there is no confusion about anything being changed in photo shop, Another member also saw the same sites online before I took a screen shot. I am sure she would vouch for me if anyone needs to question the validity of these shots.
I can pay you to go lift the text from another woman's site? Well sign me right on up.
chetmanly's Avatar
Guys actually read the copy on the sites? Hmmm, thought I was the only one......

And don't even start me on the "Wix" platform. That's not 'designing' - that's just laying out pages.
FYI I didn't write the ad copy on the site. Someone else did. He happens to be friends with both ladies They even know each other I believe.. One is FL and One is Houston. If they don't have a problem with it why should I or you for that matter. Funny thing is the ad copy was on her old flash site for the last 2 and half years as was Jades... No one noticed or no one cared.

Ashly asked me to reproduce her old flash site in HTML So all I did was transfer ad copy from the old to the new and as then other troll was kind enough here to point out I laid out her pages in Wix.
She actually didn't pay me to do it either. Not that I don't charge to lay out pages in Wix. But in this case I didn't.

I am not sure who made you the plagiarism police KA but you have busted the wrong person.

As For Using The Wix Platform.... It has been discussed at great length and at nausiem about me designing sites in the Wix platform. Call it laying out your website I don't care...
My clients are happy with them... If you don't like them then that's your problem.

As For Kate Alexander..
. As I pointed out a year ago when you came after me. You are not hobbyist nor provider and certainly not a business that supports the Industry( unless you have 2 handles which I do strongly suspect... Probably a competitor). You only purpose seems to be to stir up shit. I think they call you troll.

As for me I am a retired provider who does many things to support this industry in positive ways. Your assumption I am screwing folks over in some way is just unfounded. Tear me down if yall must but I won't feed you trolls beyond this point .

Blessings to all and good nite.
Tia Thompson
Retired Provider and Life long advocate for the hobby.
I think they call you troll. Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
I've known Katy for a few years. She's way to tall to be a troll.
Ashley Anders's Avatar
Ok I am going to set this straight!
As anyone can well imagine she called me quiet distraught about this.

Tia has done various marketing task for me for a few years now. She is one of the hardest working ladies in this industry and one of the most trust worthy. She did not right my ad copy a dear friend who is also friends with Jade Elizabeth wrote both a few years back. I simply asked Tia to recreate a site for me that would look the same on most devices.
I am fully aware that Tia builds in Wix. I have no desire to spend my time building something there or anywhere else so I pay Tia to do so most times and to do other things as well like build me banners, avatars and graphics. . In this case she did this task as a friend at no charge.
But the copy is all someone else's efforts.. It isn't plagiarized if the author is the same in both instances. Now you may not agree that both women should have the same on their sites but it's not yours to decide.

Tia has never let me down and would never do anything to take advantage of anyone in this industry. This board can be a cruel place but Tia often braves the misplaced accusations and the troll comments because it is one of the only place for provider/ hobby friendly businesses to let people know they exist.
I highly recommend Tia and Magnific Media You won't find anyone that will work harder for you or is more straight forward!
If you have any questions PM me.
In My opinion KA owes Tia an apology. BTW Jade Elizabeth is even in existence anymore.
So tell me something Tia, does this mean that the other women you plagiarized are also friends with the women who inherited their ad copy. That is a pretty amazing coincidence considering the fact that I can think of three others that you have copied not including this recent one.

Actually you should be the one to care when it comes to copied text. I am guessing that the women who employ you are paying good money for marketing advice, because they are seeking a better clientele. Most likely they want the type who prefer multi hour, dinner dates, regular arrangements etc. Many of these men place a HUGE amount of importance on how our sites, and blogs are written, and what we are attempting to say within them. There are tons of pretty girls with great reviews but for the men who actually want to spend time together, comparability becomes important, and a copied text is almost as bad as a fake photo for this type of client.

To put it more bluntly you are doing your clients a huge disservice by not being careful with how their ad copy is presented. A good marketing business offers advice to help their clients improve on what they already have. They do not copy others,or just post anything they are handed without editing, and a run through on copy scape or Google first.A true pro also would never ask their clients to cover for them when they have made a mistake, or even overlooked something.Even as an escort I would never bother my clients with any drama.It is just not right.

If you truly want to make this your business then why not earn a degree in graphic design, and take some classes to improve your writing skills? We all have to retire at some point, but escorting is the only career where being a nice person is enough . For the rest of the world sometimes you have to start at the beginning , and work up to whatever it is you choose to do...
WHERE'S A MOD WHEN YOU NEED ONE. I don't understand why it's ok to do this in this section. In the provider ads section no one is allowed comments because they know some ladies are jealous and can be quiet caddy... I think it is the same here. This is some real BS.

I second what Ashley said. I have been a client of Tia's for almost a year. She does so many things for me that make my life better not the least of which is she consistently helps me earn a few thousand a week to support my family. Oh and BTW She didn't need to copy anyone's text on my site. She does several of sites a month and you claim there are 3 you know she copied. So what... the rest of time she writes fine ....just every once in a while she needs to copy someone.. That makes no since. Do the math she does approximate 30 or 40 sites a year and 3 she has to copy...hmmmmm

I will tell you this. I could not do this business without her help. She is awesome and best of all she is a true friend to this business.

Katy I am sure you don't even know Tia. I bet you have never even spoken to her. You don't know what education she has or hasn't, you don't know anything about her. AND YET You proceed to tell her how to run her business and how to live her life but you don't even have the guts to be real on this board. She is real,one can reach out to her, she publishes her phone number, she doesn't hide behind some made up handle, she is here for us ladies when we need her.

You people want to know who Tia is.. Let me tell you. She's a women who, when one of her advertising clients committed suicide (because her loved ones found out about her double life which many of us lead) She took the time and effort to get all her provider info removed from everywhere, all boards ect, all ads and every place some family member might run across it as best she could.
It took her quiet a bit of effort to do all this and all with no payment just out of the goodness of her heart. She didn't want any heartache for the girls family or for this girl to be remembered this way. She also attended the funeral and paid her respects.

I have personally seen her loan money, help ladies for free when they are down on their luck and so much more. Now you can say that being nice isn't enough for the marketing business but for me it is the first prerequisite for people I do business with.

She cares deeply for her clients. She cares enough not to steal copy from others but she also doesn't tell her clients what to do. She doesn't police them, she advises them. I don't know who you are or what your problem is but you are barking up the wrong tree here. Go get a life and leave Tia's and mine and the rest of her clients alone.