Which drink are you?

Shep3.0's Avatar
I love to have a cold drink! My ex gf sent me this info several months ago!

I giggle because some are very true! Which are you?

I love Shinerbock, Crown and coke and fine wine with dinner! Oh...I love some champagne-I heard it makes Olivia Zoe's panties come off

What you order on a date can definitely send a signal, whether or not it’s one you’re conscious of. Sure, the list below is mainly full of generalizations, but there’s some truth to every stereotype…

Martini: If you’re a guy, you’re trying to impress (and it’s probably working). If you’re a girl drinking a dirty martini, you’re a hot mess: the dirtier, the messier, the hotter.

Vodka on the Rocks: Too self-conscious to actually order a martini.

White Russian: Obsessed with The Big Lebowski, and probably The Daily Show. Or, you just like to drink dessert.

Bud Light: You’re easy going, laid back, and at home at a sports bar. If you’re a girl, you know how to hang with the guys.

Stella Artois: You have no particular knowledge or affinity towards beer so you just order “Stella” cause it’s familiar.

Lillet/Campari/Aperol: You’re twee, and possibly like to throw around words like “mixology.”

Vodka Cranberry: When in doubt, you stick to what you drank in college.

White Wine: You’re definitely a woman. You’re possibly a little uptight.

Prosecco: You’re often a little uptight, but tonight you’re looking to party.

Whiskey, neat: You’re hot. Regardless of gender.

Jager: Secretly wishing you were hanging out with your buddies.

Vodka Gimlet: You’re a huge dork, but you hope sort of in a cool way?

Appletini: You’ve left the kids with a sitter and you’re ready to have fun!

Pimm’s Cup: You’re an Anglophile.

Old-Fashioned: Mad Men is your favorite show: you either want to be, or have sex with, Don Draper.

Margarita, on the rocks: You’ve decided to have a good time tonight.

Margarita, frozen: You’re in Cabo.

PBR: You’re drinking quickly on your way to a non-profit fundraiser, followed by a poetry reading in a former industrial warehouse.

Tequila Shots: You’re either getting laid, or just getting through it.

Long Island Iced Tea: You have a drinking problem.

A beer, while at a Cocktail Bar: Overprotective of your manhood or unadventurous.

A cocktail, while at a dive bar: Insufferable.
I like a Pink Lady myself...
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Bourbon Whiskey
I guess I am the Bud Light. I am easy going.
Boltfan's Avatar
Yes, I drink Caucasians. Not sure about obsessed.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Bombay & Tonic with lime, easy on the ice for me ... and the lady will have whatever gets her naked the quickest ... oh, and keep 'em coming please.
  • Horse
  • 06-27-2012, 06:27 PM
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I have always drank Jameson Irish Whiskey, so I've always been a hot Irish lassie, hmmm?

Of course, the scientific explanation is that alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, moving warm blood closer to the skin and giving you a "drunk flush." That, and menopause, made me one hot mama after I turned 47.
TinMan's Avatar
I've found that description of female dirty martini drinkers to be spot-on.

I love female dirty martini drinkers.
Vodka Martini , no vermouth , extra dirty and two olives. As I think about it maybe I have gender issues.,
Shep3.0's Avatar
I know several providers that prefer white wine vs beer or liquor...

White Wine: You’re definitely a woman. You’re possibly a little uptight....for sure in a conservative way.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Double Bourbon - straight or, neat, if you prefer.
rand's Avatar
  • rand
  • 06-27-2012, 08:35 PM
I always thought mint julips were something reserved for older southern belles and horse races. After drinking one, I have no idea how southern belles walk a straight line. Best place in Dallas to order one is Cedars Social.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
If I drink vodka / red bulls what does that mean?
DallasRain's Avatar
Stoli vanilla vodka for me....mix it in a glass of coke or Rc and I am good to go! lol