Wildflower owner a violent felon still on parole

The word's out that "Max" of Wildflowers is actually a con recently out of prison and still on parole. He told me what it was for, and it was very violent, but I'm afraid to list it here because a certain mod (who he also told me many times is his partner) may delete it as he's recently done to others.

Stay away from "Max" if you care about risk or being safe. I got to know him well and the posts by others as to his aggressor nature are all true.

sixxbach's Avatar
nothing surprises me...... should we really be shocked that there is a criminal element in a criminal "hobby"??? really?? think about it?? what is the best way to run a criminal group such as an agency... or should I say who is best to run it? maybe someone with a criminal mind?? its all alleged by the way........... but not a damn thing surprises me.....

i will say this though.... max and i had some verbal back and forth a few months ago and he did a pretty heavy personal insult..... that i was basically a fat, balding, limp dick geezer...... well a mod at that time replied to max's thread, well another bites the dust. i can only assume that meant he was going to be banned..... well that did not happen. i had my suspicions then that Max was protected. by whom? i don't know. i doubt st c. knew about the thread. could it have been our dearly departed gfejunkie (who was a mod at the time). could gfe have overriden the mod who thought max's comments were too much? who knows? but NOTHING surprises me
Jeez... Why does anyone bother with agencies, pimps, drama? It's so easy to do your research, meet an Indy provider, spend less donation, and have a better time. I just don't get it. All this crap would take the fun out of it for me. I've never used an agency, and not once have I booked time with someone who I didn't speak to, and only to, from start to finish.

Look at all the drama on these threads about this guy, and the agency? I can't even muster the strength or resolve to read half of this crap.

voxpopuli's Avatar
I concur with CFH's comments here as I have had personal experience with an agency before. While it worked out most of the time, there were a couple of occasions my time was rushed due to another back-to-back session and I was told to come back later as a lady was running late. I believe these hiccups occur occasionally even with Indy ladies, but having had to pay more for meeting a lady through an agency bothered me. Also that nagging thought of my repetitive meetings being recorded by that agency didn't help much to alleviate my concerns. Plus, getting referrals from that agency was next to impossible when I was trying to set up meetings with some Indies later on. I'm sure agencies work well for some of us who are opulent and don't have much time to research or set up appointments with Indies in advance as agencies tend to offer appointments on a short notice as well.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Look at all the drama on these threads about this guy, and the agency? I can't even muster the strength or resolve to read half of this crap. Originally Posted by cockforhire
If you can't muster the strength to read the threads why bother posting in them? Seriously, 400 posts in less than 3 months.. you have the right to post as often as you want, I'm not the boss of you.

Just sayin.

Thanks, LF. Some of these pud-pullers would rather post than play with a real woman.
I wonder what's up with the mods lettin' an obviously fake account like "Everyboy" post proven lies. Some flunky for one of the ghetto agencies that can't compare with WF. Fake pics, fake reviews, bogus bumps... what weak-ass losers!
The Wild Flower girls and clients can speak for themselves. Too bad ECCIE lets this shit go on. What a Circle Jerk! Know what? WF gets the majority of its clients from other venues - maybe we should quit offering such quality talent to a bunch of bullshitters and coprophages.
You are correct LF. I CAN post as often as I want to. That's what the boards are for. I was referring to specific threads about this specific person/subject. No others. There was really no need for a personal attack.

And AWF, personal insults to the members of this board won't get your business very far. Pud-pullers? I've seen two excellent indy providers this week. I happen to view this board when I have the time to. If you feel the need to defend yourself, do so. But doing it with insults is classless. I know nothing about you or your business, since I don't use agencies, but you have definitely made an impression.
ECCIE does not censor any info other than those topics as outlined in our guidelines, we leave it up to membership to read and decide for themselves who to believe.

If this is truly a fake handle you have nothing to worry about. As in cases of dispute we allow the parties to have their say and then close it off. This is now closed.