Kaci's Farewell

Would everyone be interested in a Farewell Party for Kaci Snow? Either one grand luncheon or a series of smaller ones.

I spoke to her and luncheons are better for her than evening happy hours or dinners, and Arlington would be most convenient.

who's on board?
I was great to meet you today. It was kind of a mini Birthday party for me ! Thanks so much for doing this for me !!
Count me in....It was good to see you today Kaci...Too bad you are retiring ......Although I am really happy for you....!!
rylstone's Avatar
And me as well.

I'm game!
okie dokie. Anyone else? If you've been screened by Kaci send her a p.m. and we can move this thread to the private party forum.

Let's plan for October before the holiday madness kicks in.

We know the location is Arlington and the time is lunch(ish). What day of the week is best for everyone?

Judging by last week's attendance, Thursday isn't a good choice.
I don't know Kaci but I would certainly love to give her my best wishes. I'm not far from Arlington at all and would love to attend!

Thanks! --v
Introuble's Avatar
I would have to know when and where before I can commit.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
An October get-together for an end-of-year event? Isn't that a bit like Xmas decorations for sale at Costco in August? NO disrespect intended... It's just that I would think the impact would be higher in late December or early January. And... selfishly... more likely that I could attend.
Had one already!