Different Shower Question

fortworthman got me to thinking as I responded to his thread...

If a lady asks you "Do you need the restroom?" do you think that she is implying you need a shower or do you just take it for what it is...an offer to utilize the lew?

I hate to NOT offer but I would NEVER want to offend anyone!
spitfire178's Avatar
no offense taken, it seems like good manners to me to make the offer.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
To my way of thinking, it's two different things:

If the lady asks if you need to "use the restroom"; she's just letting you know where it is and to help yourself if needed

If the lady asks if you would like to "take a shower"; she's telling you to get your sweaty stinky ass in the shower
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-17-2010, 01:11 AM
It is also a perfect time to leave the gifts so she can smile big for you when you get back...
LazurusLong's Avatar
I hope she's not asking you to use the lew, pretty sure he has moved on to the big hobby site in the sky.

But if a provider here in Dallas asks me if I need to use the loo, the first thing I'm going to do is ask her if she is British or if she has ever read Trevanian.

Then I might go take a piss if needed.

Proper and clear communication on both parties is essential for a satisfactory session.

If she can't ask if I need to shower before the activities begin and she detects a wash up may be needed badly enough to keep her from puking all over me during the BBBJ, then she gets what she deserves if she is not direct enough.

Subtly is for romance.

NOT for a scheduled session with a foretold conclusion of being naked shortly.
warlock's Avatar

You hit on something there, "Subtly is for romance", and women. Guys don't do subtle, we do direct. You want to say something, then say it, don't hint around at it, and make us guess. We're not mind readers especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Be direct, we'll appreciate it, only we won't say so since you can read our minds.
I just tell everyone that they are welcome to use the shower if they need to. Some do, some don't.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I always Shower JUST before meeting ....But I take no offense to a provider asking if I would like to use the rest room ...Sometimes it is needed for a little touch up .LOL ...maybe even just to wash my hands ....so NO offense ......T
I always ask.

Good common courtesy, and southern hospitality. What bothers me is asking me if you can go, just go use it........
I always arrive freshly showered, so I just hear an offer to go whiz and nothing more.

Guess I'm too dense to think that maybe someone would be offended? For me, the offer is basic politeness that is no different than being offered some water at the end of our time together.
dodger's Avatar
fortworthman got me to thinking as I responded to his thread...

If a lady asks you "Do you need the restroom?" do you think that she is implying you need a shower or do you just take it for what it is...an offer to utilize the lew?

I hate to NOT offer but I would NEVER want to offend anyone! Originally Posted by vnurse
Actually .. sort of like ze .. I'm thinking she wants me to go into the facility and leave her envelope, so she can discreetly retrieve it and see if everything is in order. Some ladies, in the 'etiquette' part of their site, suggest this ... or suggest that the envelope be placed in plain site ... then take the opportunity to leave the room so the envelope can be checked and placed in envelope heaven.

Personally, I prefer the traditional handoff where the hobby guy makes the provider sit on the floor and bark like dog while holding the donation over their head. Cracks me up, every time.

(geez ... don't take this posting seriously ... it's Friday, gawdammit)
TinMan's Avatar
As long as she doesn't sniff me first, I'm not offended by it.
If it's been more than 2 hours since my last shower I prefer to jump in and freshen the hot zones before BCD activities. Of course I hope the lady has done the same just before I got there.
dodger, THAT was FUNNY! But see, that brings up another deal...I don't care if you give me the envelope before or after going to the boys room.

Lazurus, my mistake for typing lew instead of loo. Thank you for pointing that out...by the way, I believe it is "subtlety" not "subtly".

Thanks to you all for your responses!

Now, thanks to TinMan, maybe I WILL sniff my visitors when they arrive so I can clarify whether I am offering a shower or simply the loo!
I generally lay out a towel and washcloth in the guest bath prior to a session, then offer the shower when he arrives. It isn't that most guys are "icky" - it's just driving around and working, they may not have had opportunity to be as fresh as they would like before our meeting.