So whoooooo??

Flair4Drama's Avatar
So who is really in charge at the white house.....

elghund's Avatar
So who is really in charge at the white house.....

Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Michelle, actually.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Michelle definitively.
Kammie not at all
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-29-2024, 03:18 AM
Flair4Drama's Avatar
I want to be the first to get out in front of this and say that I don't think Jill & Joe's death was an accident.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
???? nothing in the news

other than going back ta camp D for talks about ....
not sure if true, story pulled fast
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar

I Wonder what make of adult diaper Joe uses
Flair4Drama's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)

First Dem to come out publicly to say Joe should step down. Is this just the beginning of the end for Joe? Is the snowball starting to roll downhill?
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Not that they’ll let it get to public school history books, but when people learn about this decades from now, it’s going to be unexplainable.

Imagine taking political science in 2045 and this entire basement campaign comes up.
Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
The saddest part is you could just as well be talking about Trump.

Not that they’ll let it get to public school history books, but when people learn about this decades from now, it’s going to be unexplainable.

Imagine taking political science in 2045 and this entire basement campaign comes up. Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Oops! You did it again. BOTH of these candidates suck ass. Too bad you can't admit it. Just like it isn't the Dems that are keeping things out of history books. Or supporting banning them outright. It is people like your 2028 nominee, Ron DeSantis.
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