Have the rules changed? TCB, a pet peeve

  • eyefo
  • 05-29-2015, 08:07 AM
Topic: No response from providers.

Typically, I send a provider a short but informative PM about myself as an introduction, also stating she can verify me via P411, telling her I'd love to see her, etc.

All too often lately, I'm getting NO response... I mean NOTHING.

I'm patient... realize providers have more to do than hover over their devices waiting for my PM... but after 24 hours, it would seem a polite, to the point reply is in order.

Have the rules changed?

Let me be clear: I'm not writing a porno short story trying to engage in a fantasy text relationship, I'm not sending explicit inappropriate comments, I'm not stalking the lady.

I'm talking about a: "Hi... want to introduce myself and love to meet with you", "here's how you can verify me", "hope to hear from you soon".... type of thing.

I am NOT going to name names, but this is a real turn off to a potential client, IMO... at least to me.

On the other side, the very BEST times I've had with women has been with those who were professional.... i.e. replied to my inquiry, answered any questions, show interest, etc., and maintained this through the entire transaction up to and including BCD.

Price of service did NOT necessarily have any bearing on this professionalism.

Any thoughts on this, ladies? If I'm doing something wrong, I'll be happy to change... but its beyond me at this point.

I --like many clients-- spend a LOT of time doing research, and by the time I contact someone, it is actually near the end point of the decision making process.

To me, this is a business: not dating, not fantasy, but a professional service for a fee which SHOULD include a bit of IOP and excellence of product on the part of the provider.

I hate to move on after the research and the non-response from the provider, but I will and do.

This is compounded by the fact that I'm in Fort Worth, and simply cannot be driving to Dallas for a number of reasons, so FW and sometimes HEB and Arlington are about my geographical limit, which DOES cut down on provider options.

Love to hear any comments or suggestions on what I should change.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree 100 percent , sad but true. I try setting appointment 4-5 days out "like a business" thinking its better for the providers. If I don't here from who I'm looking at I move on
You are right, it is all about TCB skills. Why would a good, upstanding provider who places an ad saying that she is available certain days and times not respond to inquiries during that time or at least, within a reasonable amount of time after initial contact? The excuses are as many as they are tedious from the ladies who lack the TCB skills to be in the providing business, but the bottom line is if she advertises she is available, she should be available to at least respond back. Just be thankful that her incall was not all the way across town and after you got ready, drove all the way over there to see her, she goes radio silent on you. That happens more than you think and certainly more than what is reported.

Providers do not have access to a computer or their hobby cell 24/7, but if you just contacted a provider not knowing she is available, then yes, maybe a 24-48 hour window to respond is appropriate, however, there are no set rules that a provider has to reply in a certain amount of time or even reply at all. You are right to move on from them and your best interest is to not contact those providers again. Hell, if you were really vindictive, send them the review you did of the provider that did answer your inquiry and highlight the donation amount you paid.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Was there a rule before saying that a provider absolutely had to reply to every PM from a client she got?

In reality, this is just going to happen - for any one of umpteen-jillion different reasons. You can choose to let it get to you, or not. There are also more than a few options at your disposal still; but again it's up to you.

My personal preference is that if I have PMd a provider, and she doesn't responsd, I no longer have any interest in her whatsoever. Though, I also don't respond to every provider that has sent me a PM (for my own reasons, which are no more or less valid than theirs when they don't reply).
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
If you have P411....
She more than likely needs you to send her the request through
P-411. It irritates me when a guy just sends me a email, saying Im so and so and here's my P411.
pyramider's Avatar
Many ladies may not log in every day, for whatever reason, or may log in once a day with varying times.
  • eyefo
  • 05-29-2015, 10:11 AM
Was there a rule before saying that a provider absolutely had to reply to every PM from a client she got?
I'll let you ponder an alternate question framed in such a way as to perhaps assist you in reaching a logical conclusion w/o the need to pose pointless hypotheticals.

"Has there ever been a rule that says a professional service provider charging $150/ hour to $400 per hour has to absolutely answer every serious inquiry for their service?"
FunInDFW's Avatar
I'll let you ponder an alternate question framed in such a way as to perhaps assist you in reaching a logical conclusion w/o the need to pose pointless hypotheticals.

"Has there ever been a rule that says a professional service provider charging $150/ hour to $400 per hour has to absolutely answer every serious inquiry for their service?" Originally Posted by eyefo
If it was so pointless, then why are you using it as a basis for your pet peeve?
edit: You're the one asking about rules changing that haven't existed, after all.
If you have P411....
She more than likely needs you to send her the request through
P-411. It irritates me when a guy just sends me a email, saying Im so and so and here's my P411. Originally Posted by Lindsay Lee
I bet.

The more info about yourself and what you are looking for out of a session with her would be ideal to get a response from a provider. Like mine, most p411 profiles do have all the info filled out, even the definition of their version of GFE is, but she does not want to have to log on and find you, same goes with providers and their donation prices and services offered when they place ads as the less clicking of the mouse or tapping on the cell phone, the better.
  • eyefo
  • 05-29-2015, 10:26 AM
If you have P411....
She more than likely needs you to send her the request through
P-411. It irritates me when a guy just sends me a email, saying Im so and so and here's my P411.

I note in your own Eccie contact information you have written:
Send a private message to Lindsay Lee.

Why would you be irritated with a prospective client following your direction?

There is no mention of P411.

Since you charge $250/Hour as a professional, is it not your responsibility to tell clients how you wish to be contacted?

Shouldn't you be requesting they PM you through P411 instead of a PM via Eccie?

I'm not picking on you, I'm just pointing out this is a "two way street".

Clients like myself -- stable, from business background, older -- are not interested in flaky situations. There are too many hazards and hurdles to do a successful encounter in a safe manner. It is simply not worth my time to take those risks, when there are providers who have excellent TCB and over all providing skills.

Again, I'm not picking on you, but I hope you see my point.

If I were a provider, I'd try to specialize in seeing clients like me... guys who are mature, respectful, follow the rules, want no games or drama, and are willing to do their part so a fair deal as advertised can be had, and nothing more.
Actually you're NOT being very clear.

1. Are you only sending intro PMs or are you actually asking for an appointment with date(s)/time(s) of availability? If not maybe they bypassed you for something more firm.

2. P411: Are you sending P411 info outside of the P411 website for initial contact? If yes you are wrong per P411 rules.

No Provider is obligated to respond to PMs here or P411 but they are obligated to respond via P411 to Appointment Requests via P411 rules, so maybe use it if you aren't.

Availability for Provider: Within reason did you see if they are active, advertising, check their schedule - sent a PM Saturday evening no response Sunday evening, 24 hours, a lot don't work Sundays.

You've left quite a few gaps that may indicate your at fault or share a fair amount of it. Be more clear.

Not all the ladies are but they SHOULD be more clear on contact methods (they put call or text me to book so I do and then they want a PM which they didn't put at first so yeah I get it), but on your end leave the littlest guessing about it. P411 allows you to hold them accountable, not via PM, so use it.
  • eyefo
  • 05-29-2015, 10:30 AM
If it was so pointless, then why are you using it as a basis for your pet peeve?
edit: You're the one asking about rules changing that haven't existed, after all.
You misunderstand... YOU are what is pointless!

Read a view of your posts and you always seem to want to pick fights.
Knock yourself out.
Done with you.... carry on.
  • eyefo
  • 05-29-2015, 10:38 AM
You've left quite a few gaps that may indicate your at fault or share a fair amount of it. Be more clear.
No.. there really are no gaps... I was giving an example of what I typically send.

The actual message I send is according to the wishes of the provider.

If they say "PM me on Eccie" that's what I do.

If they say "Only PM on P411, that's what I do.

If they say "Contact only for appointment with references" -- then I'm not interested.

I almost always send short, to the point, introductory messages, and if a provider does not have the social or business skills to at least acknowledge with a brief reply, then why would you assume it would get better from there?
FunInDFW's Avatar
You misunderstand... YOU are what is pointless!

Read a view of your posts and you always seem to want to pick fights.
Knock yourself out.
Done with you.... carry on. Originally Posted by eyefo
You asked what you should change. Sorry you didn't like the answer. Maybe you should work on that too? And you should keep reading more of my posts as I never want to pick fights. I just point out a logical fallacy when I see it. Kind of like you wanting me to "read a view..." of my posts. I read my view every time amirite!!

Topic: No response from providers.

Typically, I send a provider a short but informative PM about myself as an introduction, also stating she can verify me via P411, telling her I'd love to see her, etc.

All too often lately, I'm getting NO response... I mean NOTHING.

I'm patient... realize providers have more to do than hover over their devices waiting for my PM... but after 24 hours, it would seem a polite, to the point reply is in order.

Have the rules changed?

Let me be clear: I'm not writing a porno short story trying to engage in a fantasy text relationship, I'm not sending explicit inappropriate comments, I'm not stalking the lady.

I'm talking about a: "Hi... want to introduce myself and love to meet with you", "here's how you can verify me", "hope to hear from you soon".... type of thing.

I am NOT going to name names, but this is a real turn off to a potential client, IMO... at least to me.

On the other side, the very BEST times I've had with women has been with those who were professional.... i.e. replied to my inquiry, answered any questions, show interest, etc., and maintained this through the entire transaction up to and including BCD.

Price of service did NOT necessarily have any bearing on this professionalism.

Any thoughts on this, ladies? If I'm doing something wrong, I'll be happy to change... but its beyond me at this point.

I --like many clients-- spend a LOT of time doing research, and by the time I contact someone, it is actually near the end point of the decision making process.

To me, this is a business: not dating, not fantasy, but a professional service for a fee which SHOULD include a bit of IOP and excellence of product on the part of the provider.

I hate to move on after the research and the non-response from the provider, but I will and do.

This is compounded by the fact that I'm in Fort Worth, and simply cannot be driving to Dallas for a number of reasons, so FW and sometimes HEB and Arlington are about my geographical limit, which DOES cut down on provider options.

Love to hear any comments or suggestions on what I should change. Originally Posted by eyefo

If your PM's are polite and right down to the point, then I see nothing wrong in your approach to providers. Actually, I commend you for not being a fantasy booker. I usually get a handful of incessant texts/emails/PM's that I don't even bother replying back to - especially if the gentleman has no intention of booking an appointment!

Perhaps, you are targeting a younger age group?

I've been told that many hobbyists are weary when it comes to booking with younger providers because of their lack of TCB skills. Whereas, a seasoned provider per say would be more prompt and professional when it comes to correspondence.

But then again, regardless of the age, it would be a good idea to check the provider's reviews regarding her TCB skills. Laziness, lack of professionalism and disregard for establishing communication and making appointments can be an issue with any provider, regardless of age.