Date-Check gone?

Hadn't used that site in awhile but got an error message when I tried to log in. Anyone else have similar issues?
Bobave's Avatar
Interesting.... I'm a long-time member, just tried to log in and couldn't
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-03-2017, 07:48 AM
I tried to log in and noticed a few things:

--Layout looks quite different
--Message says "D_C has been largely unchanged for 14 years until now"
--It recognizes my ID, but not my password
--My lifetime membership now says I need to select/pay for a membership

Sold to new owners?
Monica13's Avatar
They went to a new site. I got a email to go there with my info so that it can be transferred over.

I think the cutoff date was the 1st but don't take my word on that.
Charlie Drake's Avatar
They are forcing the lifetime members to buy new subscriptions. No thanks, don't need Date Check.
They are forcing the lifetime members to buy new subscriptions. No thanks, don't need Date Check. Originally Posted by Charlie Drake
Interesting. The only site I trust that I have to pay for is P411.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 01-06-2017, 08:31 PM
Mid-December they were converting over the site to their new formatting. An email to them would activate your account in their updated site.

After sending them an email, it took about 36 hours to get the reply:
Thank you for subscribing to Date-Check!
Your subscription of Lifetime Client has APPROVED and your account Activated. You now have access to our new format with fantastic new tools and fun ways to interact with your Entertainers, Agencies and Clients.
Current Members: Your old account will continue to be active till 12/30 as we migrate to our new and improved. GENTS-Please note that old references migrated over to the new format will not be visible to you on your new profile. They are displayed in a section only visible to the entertainer. Your previous user id (username) and password will work on the new site.
NEW member: Make sure you use your USERNAME you created to log in. If you are unsure of your password, please use the "Forgot Password" tool provided on the login page.
Your details at our website
Username : xxxxxxxx
Activation Date : 12-XX-2016
Expiration Date : Never
Login Now!
If you need any assistance, please let us know
Date-Check Staff
pond guy's Avatar
I was a lifetime member. I followed the directions for the conversion waited till January and tried to login could not login, sent a message from the site no reply. A few days later tried again to login. It worked but all my references were gone all the ladies I saved were gone and the new format sucks cant look up anyone.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
Is everyone trying to sign into
There's a similar thread right now on BestGFE, the Philly/NYC/NJ board. A lot of people who paid for lifetime memberships got burned because they didn't request to have their membership migrated to the new site by the cutoff date. They never sent out an email; there was a popup window when you logged in, so a lot of people who occasionally use the site got burned.

I was lucky and happened to find out before the cutoff date, but the whole thing feels like a scam. When I bought my lifetime membership, I felt like I was an investor who would be rewarded if the site took off, and knew I risked losing my investment if the site went bust, but I never expected them to succeed and then take the money and run.

A buddy of mine used to work in the adult web industry, and he says he ex-colleagues were pretty much all scammers and thieves.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-12-2017, 04:17 PM
the whole thing feels like a scam. Originally Posted by Red Max

Because it IS a scam.
rkedge's Avatar
I went through the transfer process, and it did work... kind of.

They say to login with your USERNAME, but they really mean your User ID (the letter/number combination assigned when you sign up). I sent the email and got my lifetime account moved over. I can login now and everything works fine.

Well sort of.

The new site layout and functionality is USELESS! It's impossible to search accurately, there doesn't seem to be an advanced search either. It looks like there is only a handful of ladies on the site now anyway. There is this new "Community" thing that makes no sense... At least i didn't have to re-subscribe.

If you missed the cutoff and can't get your subscription moved over, then don't bother.