Signs of trouble on an outcall ?

So I'm curious.. what would some potential signs be a problem might be coming if a girl comes over on an outcall ?

On an incall you're going to them.. the room could be wired.. they might be & never get far enough through the process you'd see any gear.. people have the opportunity to see you approach.

What about an outcall visit to your space.

The only thing I could think of is the girl shows up with a wire & things don't get far enough along for you to notice.

So long as your messages back & forth aren't incriminating enough people might just feel bold enough to bust in on you as soon as they have a location..

What else might a cautious person look out for ?

Ideally better things than "if she seems nervous" :-P
rcinokc's Avatar
If they show up with a "driver" or "security". I for one will never have anyone to my home, if I do an outcall it will be to a hotel I am staying at out of town. Once they have your address you're at risk for bad things to happen even if they drive themselves. May come in the form of a burglary, home invasion, car jacking, identity theft, you name it. All great reasons to avoid sharing real world info. Some places car tags are still public record and can put your real identity out there. You can't play this game without taking some risk, but a little common sense can minimize it.
cabletex7's Avatar
She's wearing white and it's after Labor Day.
Don't think you have much to worry about in the wire thing. Most stings are run at incalls.

The bigger risk is being outed. All she has to do is tell your start screaming that you see providers, and all the neighbors know it.
Archaic's Avatar
I think you're maybe reading too much into it OP. For the most part, its a simple business transaction and to quote the old saying "she's just as nervous about you as you are about her".
burkalini's Avatar
I lived in a secure Condo where I had to ring them in. It was perfect for outcall. I'm single so no worries there. I probably Have done 75 outcalls with no problem ever other than the girl being too ugly. lol
cowboy8055's Avatar
Most of the problems in the hobby seem to occur at incalls.
Guest072118's Avatar
Minimize risk by seeing known reviewed gals.

Not like a known gal/VP cant be trouble... but if you're looking at unknown Backpage Betties well... thats asking for trouble.
ck1942's Avatar
Why risk an unexpected visit from a burglar after your residential outcall?

Best, perhaps, to do a few incalls with a lady so you can gauge whether she is trustworthy enough to invite into your home.
Contralto's Avatar

Best, perhaps, to do a few incalls with a lady so you can gauge whether she is trustworthy enough to invite into your home. Originally Posted by ck1942
And even then things can go south. Hobby relationships can change on a dime, or because of one. It's just not something worthy of the risk for me.
If they show up with a "driver" or "security". I for one will never have anyone to my home, if I do an outcall it will be to a hotel I am staying at out of town. Once they have your address you're at risk for bad things to happen even if they drive themselves. May come in the form of a burglary, home invasion, car jacking, identity theft, you name it. All great reasons to avoid sharing real world info. Some places car tags are still public record and can put your real identity out there. You can't play this game without taking some risk, but a little common sense can minimize it. Originally Posted by rcinokc
I lived in a secure Condo where I had to ring them in. It was perfect for outcall. I'm single so no worries there. I probably Have done 75 outcalls with no problem ever other than the girl being too ugly. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Most of the problems in the hobby seem to occur at incalls. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Minimize risk by seeing known reviewed gals.

Not like a known gal/VP cant be trouble... but if you're looking at unknown Backpage Betties well... thats asking for trouble. Originally Posted by ElleW
Why risk an unexpected visit from a burglar after your residential outcall?

Best, perhaps, to do a few incalls with a lady so you can gauge whether she is trustworthy enough to invite into your home. Originally Posted by ck1942
And even then things can go south. Hobby relationships can change on a dime, or because of one. It's just not something worthy of the risk for me. Originally Posted by Contralto
This is all kinda what I'm looking for.. some perspective.. especially different from my own..

I'm with the idea it's all a risk.. them coming or you going.. just have to decide what you're comfortable with..

For me personally.. I have a hard time enjoying myself in a hotel room since it all seems so staged.. I'd spend too much of my time worrying as soon as we started getting comfortable as if to ensure I had no weapons or of course.. awaiting incriminating lingo..

Inviting someone to my space is certainly a risk too.. & I hadn't actually even considered the possibility of dude.. seriously.. you could easily get robbed.. even after the fact once someone of.. questionable morals knows how to find you..

It's probably in large part due to my having lived in ND my entire life.. we don't get a lot of crime here.. we can still pump our gas first without paying upfront.. this is all I've ever known.. I don't plan for crime.. & eventually that may become an issue that affects me personally & directly you all may be correct..

IDK.. I definitely see the value in taking the time to meet with folks on these rep sort of sites instead of some random on a site like BP..

Again though partly due to my region options are slim there aren't a ton of providers here that i'm aware of..

Which as I'm saying that I think to myself I'd be opening myself up for a bigger world of hurt to just kinda meet with whomever seems available.. lol

In any case.. I appreciate the thoughts folks.. so thanks for that :-)
Minimize risk by seeing known reviewed gals.

Not like a known gal/VP cant be trouble... but if you're looking at unknown Backpage Betties well... thats asking for trouble. Originally Posted by ElleW

If you're seeing women who make you nervous, you're seeing the wrong women.
^^^^ Boom! Right there.
goodman0422's Avatar
She could mistakenly knock on the wrong door. Then you have to explain to your 70 year old neighbor why 20 something girls are visiting you at 9 o'clock at night. (Not that this has ever happened to me.)
OP, I understand your concerns and empathize with you. Hobbyland is a scary place, regardless of the location. When you have real life things to protect but the animal instinct is too strong to be ignored, it presents a precarious situation. I've only been at this a short time, about 6 months, but have learned a lot in that time. Iddly, it seems that instead of becoming more comfortable over time, I actually am getting more paranoid. Likely due to reading some of the horror stories here that I never considered, combined with a desire to expand my horizons and experience new things, and new ladies.

Lots of good advice above. In my way of thinking, outcall is always preferable unless I'm traveling and have a room. Just too many things can go wrong if I open up my real world location to potential priblems. Incall, while also not ideal, does involve a different set of risks and I see those as the lesser of two evils. In calls at a motel/hotel can be made more secure by checking the place out closely when you arrive, inside and outside, and using the secondary door locking device once you're inside.

In an area with few verified providers available, consider spending some money for a simple meet and greet at a public place before going BCD. I imagine most ladies would accept a lunch date with no other activity for a reasonable amoubt. Meet, get comfortable there first, then move on to the next level later.

Personally, though I like seeing different ladies, I won't unless they are verified or well reviewed. My screening process and my rules are just as stringent as most providers, if not more. I can't tell you how many times I've contacted a Bp, CL, or other advertiser and when I ask if they have reviews or ask for a real photo they go dark immediately.

Luckily, here in STL, there are plenty of verified providers to choose from and I'm working my way through them lol.

Back to your original question... If you do your due diligence beforehand and remain alert and vigilant when arriving at an incall location, once the clothes hit the floor your concerns should be alleviated and you can relax and enjoy.

Have fun, be safe, and enjoy.