How long for review to be accepted?

Submitted a review Sunday. Still not accepted for premium access. Has eccie stopped giving premium access for reviews?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sometimes several days
It can be frustrating to wait for approval. Sometimes, there might be a delay due to a high volume of submissions or verification processes. Have you tried reaching out to their support team directly? They might be able to provide more insight into your review status.
I just joined and just put my first review in today. I'll let you folks know how it goes. I'm chomping at the bit to get PA but it sounds like I need to be patient!
It took me roughly two days. But I don't think my experience was typical. My first attempt was rejected. Said I didn't list activities. I thought it was enough to put them in the "Activities" section of the review instead of the ROS. And I could not edit my first review. So I put in another one with more detail and ultimately got credit after some dialog with a mod about whether or not my review sounded like an ad. I suppose I can see that point but the only reason it sounds that way is because of my enthusiasm for this girl. If you ever hobby in Central Florida, you will find out that it is not easy. The girl I reviewed was an exception so I probably went a little overboard. But all is good now and I've got my PA!
PrettyBoy69691's Avatar
Phil, there is a 60 minute window that allows editing a post, including a review.
Just took me about 4 days. Probably depends on the moderator's schedule. I submitted another a couple of weeks ago for a whore house. Even though I have reviewed it in the past, it got rejected since I didn't put a phone number in. Haven't put one in before, which I emailed the mod, but got no response. BTW, the search feature hasn't worked in months, I know it has been discussed on this site for a while.