Encounter: Car date with Sara

User ID: -
Date: 7/7/24
Name: Sara
Phone: 424-524-0413
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://callescort.org/424-524-0413
City: Liberty
State: Missouri
Address: Liberty is pretty small so not sure what to put
Activities: Qv Handjob for a bit than rcg
Hair Length and Color: Blonde, shoulder
Age: Low 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Extremely cute and petite. Very nice butt . Reminds me of Kaitlyn knight
Recommendation: -
Damn it forgot to click yes for recommending
What was donation?
Damn it forgot to click yes for recommending Originally Posted by Ass-a-holic
If you'd send me a PM with donation for car date I'd appreciate it. Might have to meet up with this one.
Can you pm me donation please �� thank you
Knight69Fun's Avatar
I'd really like to know the donation as well, please PM.
I’d be interested in the donation amount too. TIA.
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