Alcohol & The Hobby

Vannah's Avatar
I was reading an interesting post on Reddit pertaining to drinking before seeing a provider, and someone made the point that no escort wants to be around a drunk client. I personally wouldn't see a gentleman that showed up intoxicated, smelling of booze because it would make me uncomfortable. I'm not saying that if a gentleman wanted to share a glass of my favorite wine or champagne (from an unopened bottle) that I would refuse it, but I wouldn't be comfortable with either of us getting drunk.

Ladies, how do you feel about drinking with a client? Have you ever had a negative hobby experience due to alcohol?

Guys, do you drink before you hobby? If so, what effect does it have on your overall experience with a provider?
I personally don't and wouldn't. I'd rather have my wits about me. I have on occasion shared a couple of drinks with a provider after I arrived, although I try not to do this anymore because I've realized it interferes with the legal pharmaceuticals I use to reach my, uh, full potential.

I don't think it's a good idea for a client to show up drunk from either end of things. - client or provider. Too much potential for problems.
Only share a drink with a beautiful lady upon arrival with her and if she wants to have the drink. Otherwise I don't drink or wouldn't drink prior to an appointment.
I don't drink beforehand ever. But I have often noted a lady's drink preference and brought an (unopened) bottle or box of her favorite wine as a gift. It can be a nice ice breaker to share a drink and convo on the front end, especially when seeing someone the first time. Ginger has offered various versions of Crown that we have sipped through a session and Danielle and I have had two "tequila dates" where I brought unopened Patron, limes, salt and margarita mix. I leave what's left of the tequila as a gift (and I don't buy the small bottles, lol). I have no desire to get hammered in a session but done in moderation, it's fine. If the lady does not want a drink, I won't have one either.
Depends on how comfortable you are with said provider. I have had many dates with Lolahhhhh where she chauffeured me around while I got drunk and then we crashed at my place for an overnight. Those were some FUN DATES!! And o used to drink with Sexy Brittany but i wouldn't do it on a first or second meeting for sure
I would say it all depends on the client and my relationship. With some one I've seen for the first time or so? No. For a client that's become a regular? Hell yes. But even then I do not over indulge and would be saved for a more special date than our normal. If you can drink and control yourself with out being sloppy. Sure I'd see you
Zenovia's Avatar
I offer wine (complementary) amongst other non-alcoholic beverages.
I feel it adds to the special occasion
^^^ yes you do. If you bring wine, don't do what I did with Vannah once. I thought it was a screw top. It wasn't and there was not a corkscrew around.
Zenovia's Avatar
^^^ yes you do. If you bring wine, don't do what I did with Vannah once. I thought it was a screw top. It wasn't and there was not a corkscrew around. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Awe sorry to hear dahhling

I stay prepared..if I had forgotten the corkscrew opener..(fyi) a small knife works just as good!!
If one should forget a bottle opener for say a beer.. all you need to do is put the bottle close to the edge of a table and tap the top of the bottle with your fist ... Wallah it opens
I actually have something in my showcase specifying that I will not see someone who shows up obviously under the influence… And by that I mean totally inebriated.

But I also enjoy sharing a drink with my dates! Especially dates in the hot tub, it just really adds to the experience. Having drinks on hot tub doubles also makes it feel like a party instead of a hobby date. And naturally if I've seen someone more than once, I am a lot more relaxed.

Public service announcement… Bringing me a bottle of Honey Crown is a sure-fire way for you to become my new favorite.
splitlog's Avatar
When I drink. Things that need to work don't. Lol. So nope no drinking for me.
ddepthroatme's Avatar
Having been clean & sober since '92 I have never been there
Vannah's Avatar
Great answers, everyone! It's great that everyone seems to be on the same page about getting plastered before a hobby date.
splitlog's Avatar
Now I will say I was a little drunk from a work party. I had a room. My regular had been playfully texting me. She wanted to see me drunk and came by. Both naked and just hung out. Never even tried anything. And told her to go through my billfold and take what she needed. She didn't take anything. Said seeing me drunk was just fun.

Can see why she is a regular.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Always thought it's a good ice breaker to have a drink together. Hell I don't like getting plastered anyways hurts to much now.

Splitlog I more than likely wouldn't have went as far as to here's my wallet take what you want lol. But I have a little story when it comes to alcohol and the hobby. I consider myself a fun drunk when I get there. Will somehow loose my filter and say what I want to say or joke about anything. Only harmful to myself... like miss a step or two.

Setup an appt with a girl that came to me as a recommendation. Asked her if she would like a drink, in which she responds with her liking. Time gets closer and she informs me she's running behind, no worries I've got time. This is an outcall by the way. Hour goes by sent a text no response. So I'm like, oh well, her loss. Its just me and that fireball. I'd look over and he kept starring at me. Cracked the seal got to bullshitting around the house. Music turned up, watching NCAA b-ball, routing for whomever, screaming at the refs you get where I'm going. Having some me time. 2/3 hrs later I get a text apologizing, she'd like to come by and make up.

Here I am drunk as fuck no more drink to offer, said sure come on out!! I'm warning ya I drank your bottle. Needless to say she showed up, we got to bullshitting, dancing, flirting etc...

Seemed like an hour had went by but it was more like 15mins and I'm thinking it's going to be now or never. For the next 45 mins bless her heart, she got the wrath of the ol whiskey dick. Needless to say I don't loose my functionality but it's takes a minute to reach that sensational peak. ROFLMAO

Felt bad called her the next day to apologize and to my surprise she admitted it was her own fault. Didn't expect her to say; When you told me you had been drinking, I should have listened.

Next time I'll just be a bigger man and turn it down. SIKE!!

Been accused once or twice for being a dick..... Sorry hahaha NOT SORRY!!