Best value in Baton Rouge

I have been to several AMPs in Baton Rouge over the years. They all evolve. All Natural on Jefferson was my go to until the staff changed. JJ Spa became my go to. They had one of the best massages I have had. Redland on Seigan wasn't worth the trip. JM on Jefferson is hit and miss. Sunshine was not for me. Xui Yan was good for a good while until CiCi left. I went to try the one on Old Hammond but first time I tried an older fat woman was there. I fled. The second time they were locked up. What I am asking is if any of you can recommend place that will give me a great massage and a good time. I did try Lavender off of Sherwood and found a decent massage but iffy happy ending. She was very cautious. Thanks in advance.
trekker's Avatar
They are all constantly changing. I've never found one that was consistently high quality except for the now defunct ones on North Harrell's Ferry and Jefferson near Tiger Bend (in the now burned down building) Now, we're getting a lot of older, frumpy women and girls who give a rigidly scripted performance who can't adapt if you get out of her expected sequence.
One thing hasn’t changed, consistently good advice from Trekker. Baton Rouge has so many choices so close to one another that if you have a little time you can stick your head into a bunch just to see who is working. It’s the chick that makes it good not the place.
Many AMP's do not give a full 60 min. massage either. 45-50 min then they are finished. Especially if another customer walks in the door during your massage. They will abandon you and invite the new customer in and take his money.
It all keeps going back to the lack of a mamasan. I don’t know for sure but based on what I gather from chatting with the chicks is I believe what is going on with the shorting the time is that the chicks’ fees they owe the house are tracked by those cameras (time in and time out) not what you actually pay. So if they take your 60 and get you out the door in 30 minutes, that is another 20 bucks converted to tip in their pocket. They relax big time when those cameras are off. I have had some great long GFE sessions when the power was out at an AMP.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Around here, I can honestly say that most times I like to build up a kind of friendship with 1 or 2 ladies over a couple of visits prior to FS. I usually don't go in for FS on the 1st time unless the vibe is really there. Why? Over time I have seen the quality of my experience be rushed or crappy by just throwing 2 bills down. Most times, I will look for that one lady to whom I have that kind of magnetism with, and its a GREAT experience by the 3rd time I see her. I can say that I have had FS in places that were not even offering FS before. So it can happen if you have the patience.
If the girl that greets me 1st is so-so, I will ask to see the line up. Most of these places only have 2 or 3 women working there, and I am not playing the game its her turn. Its my money! I am not mean about it, I just get to the point before anything begins. So, when you see that girl come out to meet you, and she is so-so like a 5/6 maw maw and unknown, ask to see all the girls. It's your don't give it away feeling that you have to take whats offered. If all else fails, just walk out. Save your money for the next place, and do this all over again until you see or get what you want. I have visited 4 places back to back, and never gave a dime until the last place. Just saying
So your sayin', trip the breaker outside before you go in?