I miss Houston already haven't even been gone but a day

LillyMunster's Avatar
Straight up Austin guys and Austin blows! Clients said they wanted to see me haven't seen anyone I will be cutting my trip here short and be coming back to Houston to see guys that actually live up to thier word.
KatieKatie's Avatar
It is best to get pre-books before you go anywhere. Hopefully you will get a few afterwork/pre-weekend calls and catch up a little bit.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Austin tends to not prebook, but once your there they will cum.....Butt weekends havent seemed to be the best time for touring girls....Good Luck.
DallasRain's Avatar
I do good in Austin...but I always have a few prebooks set.....I always get at least one on a sunday afternoon.
{but most towns there will be alot of last minutes....making it hard to screen so quick for safety}

I bust my butt to get prebookings and am successful in 95% of the cities I tour in.......................if I do not get x amount of bookings in accordance to the days I have planned there,then I will alter plans to suit my needs...............Sure I do this for fun,BUT I do have to make a profit to live a nice lifestyle {I like to shop too much...lol}................... ....I have not had to post on BP in a long time.....my eccie & p411 guys treat exceptionally well.

sorry you did not have fun....just keep your chin up...................happy travels baby!
LillyMunster's Avatar
Thanks yah I tried to prebook no one wanted to but a lot were interested so I took a chance I barely make enough money to keep a roof over my head and sometimes that doesn't happen. I'm having issues with the Austin guys not being ok with my screening process all im doing Is asking for a few refs and they get scared away. Probably just come home tomorrow.
KatieKatie's Avatar
^ You are doing the right thing! Safety is always #1. Let me know when you are back in Houston.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Austin tends to not prebook, but once your there they will cum.....Butt weekends havent seemed to be the best time for touring girls....Good Luck. Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
You are right, Austin is a bit different and not as big as H-town or DFW (though it is 1.6 million now in the general area and almost a million in the city). Weekends with UT games are tricky and I have no idea about the day players here. I have to work M-F days and can't get out much until evenings or weekends usually.

Also, I checked her showcase and posts and no where does it list her screening process so I suspect that guys were surprised. Just a few months of playing around in Austin (only played out of town for a while) I have hardly been screened at all, which surprised me since I have fairly good references. I have even told some eccie ladies who adverstise on BP that they should screen a lot more carefully and that does feed a bit into my decision on whether or not to see them again. I sent Lilly several of my references and she could see my reviews (not a lot, but a few) but I never heard back on whether anybody replied to her enquiries. That will be interesting to learn and may push me into signing up on P411 which I haven't needed so far. Just a fairly new (but not newbie anymore) hobbyists perspective on the Austin market and what i t may take to tour successfully here.
pyramider's Avatar
Austin still has a small town mentality with the hobby.
I've always wondered how ATX Ladies make any money. (No Offence meant) Because everytime I go there my friends and I just hit up 6th street and take home college girls. But then again I'm only 30...
LillyMunster's Avatar
Dallas and Austin has the same issues on either guys don't want ro be screened or the girls there just never get back to you on the reference checks. I shouldn't have to post in my showcase that I have a screening process all the guys on here know that 90% of the girl require screening. I could understand placing something in your showcase about being newbie friendly but Austin is the only place that I've had so many complainers about setting an appointment an screening. They just wanna show up whenever they want without screening and thats not ok. I won't be returning not all because of the client issues I seen two clients that were very sweet and gave me refs without asking because they know how it works but a lot of the people there were just not friendly my trip was not a good time and didn't see enough people to make money just enough to pay for gas and hotel. I went because my message got blown up by people wanting to see me then when I got there everyone chickens out or didn't want to be screened. Come on guys u know how this works especially u guys that have been on te site for years. Glad to be back home today. Thanks Houston for treating me well
LillyMunster's Avatar
And it wasn't your reviews austxjr u backed out of an appointment due to the game. I left town didn't hear from u. Guys also complain about not hearing from us. We dont call Or text out of nowhere we dont want to get u in trouble with the S.O. So we wait to hear from u when we don't we assume u r not interested.
I think agencies are used in Austin alot more compared to Houston.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Sweetie, tried to help, gave u refs, didn't hear back (you went to sleep early - understandable) timing didn't work (you stated time - I actually had commits then already). There was never a set time - as far as I knew just later tomorrow. Unfortunately, conflicted for me. No need to be snarky in public.. As with anything here there is always a responsibility to research so almost nothing is totally one sided. Don't let bitterness get the better of you - it isn't attractive. It might be better to point out Austin's shortcomings humorously. We CAN take a joke and we aren't all shits. Glad ur back safe and happy.